Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Is Captioning Distracting? - Catholics with Hearing Loss: Captioning the Catholic Mass

                         Is Captioning Distracting?

"For it wants the whole world to hear the summons to salvation, so that through hearing it may believe, through belief it may hope, through hope it may come to love."   Dei Verbum, “On Divine Revelation” (Source: http://www.ignatiusinsight.com/features2008/bashley_dvmorals_feb08.asp)

  Welcome !    See  http://www.catholicscomehome.org

Reaching the deaf and hard of hearing with God's Word in Captioning -does it distract?:

You hear about distraction complaints from hearing people at movie theaters  when they don't like to see the captioning (which has since been resolved via captioning glasses), but  can you compare God's Word with a movie selection choice?   Do you want to say 'No' to some people in church and 'Yes' to others in hearing God's Word?  There are many creative ways to solve distraction issues including position of the screen or location of where to sit with iPads, smart phones and laptops in a church.  An access should not be denied because hearing people don't like the distraction, but rather the question should be and focused on - HOW to SOLVE the Distraction Issue so that  God's word and the Joy of Gospel can be shared to all people. What would Jesus do?  You could put them in the back of the church if you must or some other strategic placement/location,  but please don't deny the captioning because so many people can benefit from having access in church.  Many people with hearing loss are lost in church if they don't have access that works for them (Captioning, Sign Language, Audio Loops).  Captioning is a wonderful way to share the Joy of the Gospel to many with hearing loss and deafness.

Here is an example of a church who didn't use CART and decided against it due to distraction complaints.  See http://amarillo.com/stories/050200/new_137-2762.001.shtml  However, the problems are solvable and provided below.

Wireless technology such as Wifi, and remote CART services, along with iPads, and smart phones (that almost everyone owns)  can be  used as a screen and are readily available with today's technology.  If there is no Wifi at the church or no internet source of any kind, many iPads have built in internet services without needing Wifi.  There are special adaptions as well for the CART machine that allows it to transmit to iPads as well.  The same goes with smart phones.  That means each person can hold their own iPad or smart phone and obtain captioning that way  instead of watching a big screen if that is  'distracting'.    They can access the Remote CART via the web or adaption devices.   The private smart phones and iPads etc are more discreet and do not obstruct views. There are additional options as well such as to position the screen to the side of the church, or even the side/back/lower part of the church if there are concerns about
the captioning being distracting to hearing people.

"Today, that space is in the back of the church, 

where a projection screen hangs down from the balcony

 without obscuring a view of the pulpit." (Source: http://amarillo.com/stories/2001/05/31/bel_skillshelp.shtml -Linda Stewart Ball, The Dallas Morning News)

Even placing it in the 'baby room' (cry room) is an option that is often available in many churches, that provides a separate room (with only a large glass window connecting it to the church community).   One can easily put a flat TV screen mounted on the wall in the Baby room area of the church and hook up some kind of internet connection or adaption device.  Or one could use an iPad that has built in internet connection or their smart phone to access the Remote CART.   In fact, with all the babies crying, even hearing people might find it helpful in them 'hearing' the Mass over the cries.  Remember, with God all things are possible and everyone nourished by considering the needs of all in church in order for them to fully participate in church life and the community.

20 percent of Americans age 12 and over have a significant hearing loss enough to create barriers to communication.   That means 20 percent  are likely in your church, your workplace and every where.  There are many severe to profoundly hearing loss folks and the late deaf and the oral deaf, who do not use/know sign language and who may or may not be able to use the audio loops or need the captioning in order to track the audio.  This group is too large to ignore.  Late onset deafness is growing and expected to double by 2030.  That means every year the figure is climbing towards the projected double estimate.

4 to 10 percent of those with hearing loss attend church which means 90 percent or more of those with hearing loss are NOT in church because they are unable to participate. There are 12 million American Catholics with a hearing loss.  90 percent of those with hearing loss do NOT know sign language.  Usually those with  severe and profound hearing loss are not able to use Audio Loops either.

" If a house of worship is not doing CC, 

however, then a major portion of the 

dialogue will not be picked up by the 

whole audience.” 


You can do this! It is not that hard:  It is a wonderful way to share the Joy of the Gospel to those with hearing loss and deafness.  The remote Cart is already set up by the service provider, the church can use wireless technology or some kind of internet source, connect a screen to some kind of internet connection, or have people use their own iPad with built in internet connection of Smart phone for obtaining the Captioning, or adaption device that allows the CART machine to transmit to the iPad .  The person with hearing loss can use their own smart phones and iPads as a screen if you don't want a large screen for all to see, and if they must, sit in the back of the church with them. That won't distract compared to a large screen if that is a concern,  and it will allow them access to God's word.   For regular CART services or the Large Screen use at church, it can easily be placed in a location that will not distract.

This is a wonderful way to share the Joy of the Gospel to all.


Isn't that what we all want – reaching out to other people with God's word in all languages that a person is able to receive it in and participate with?


"Statistics tell us that 98% of people with hearing loss do not have a church home, and the deaf and hard of hearing are the fourth largest unreached people group in the world." (Source:  http://captioningtheword.com/information.html)


"Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lamp stand  where it gives light to all in the house." - (Matthew 5:14,15) 

 (Source: http://www.whyimcatholic.com/index.php)


"ensure that the power of salvation may be shared by all" (John Paul II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, n. 16). "(Source:  http://www.ncpd.org/views-news-policy/policy/church/bishops/welcome-and-justice)


"The importance for people with any disability to interact 

in a standard setting rather 

than do it differently is critical,"

 (Source: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/real-time-captions-helping-deaf-kids-realise-potential/story-e6freuzi-1226453656874 - ROSEMARIE LENTINI) 


Insightful viewpoint on another way to resolve distraction issues:

"Leigh noted, "Even the people who say 

it's a distraction … it becomes a spiritual 

tool for them to train their focus. They are 

using it too."

For people who are deaf or hearing 

impaired, it's a big opportunity for 

inclusion during a very special time, the 

rabbis said." (Source: http://www.jdcc.org/archived/551-2011-issues/october-2011-issue/jewish-deaf-tidbits/1910-service-for-deaf-and-hearing-impaired-offered-for-fourth-year-at-montclair-synagogue - BY TANYA DROBNESS)

Note:  The use of iPads for this instead of a big screen  in front of the congregation can resolve distraction complaints because it is more discreet then a large screen even if they need to use it in the back of the congregation so as not to distract hearing people.   Is that a reasonable solution? Having them hold an iPad in the BACK of the church or Cry room?  If the church doesn't have Wifi or an internet source, one can obtain their own iPad with built in internet service to access Remote CART captioning.  


"Distractions are by no means a curse, and they can be a blessing."  (Source: http://www.albahouse.org/Distractions.htm)


"It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade." Mk 4: 31-32 (Source: http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/new-evangelization/)


Captioning at Kennedy Center for the deaf and hard of hearing:  http://www.kennedy-center.org/email/live_archive/email_7490_viewable.html#eventID0EYWAE


Mobile digital devices in houses of worship or the Mass: 


How would Captioning look at a Catholic Mass using a personal device :   

See http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/real-time-captions-helping-deaf-kids-realise-potential/story-e6freuzi-1226453656874  .



To see a Demo of Remote CART (Captioning): 


"Remote services are more economical

 as the minimum booking is only one 

hour. More people can have more 

access, as all you need is internet access 

and sound. "  (Source: http://deafunity.org/article-interview/tina-lannin-founder-121-captions/)


(Of course smart phones have built in internet with services and many people own them. Captioning can be viewed via the smart phone as well)

"One of the choice accommodations to 

use in any setting, but particularly during 

religious ceremonies, is remote CART. It 

is easy to use for most people, it provides

 nearly-verbatim captions on a device as

 ubiquitous as a cell phone, and it allows 

for real-time participation in the services.

  "(Source: http://premiervisualvoice.com/transcription-services-blog.html - Margaret Downs)


" Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Second Vatican Council's document on the reform of the liturgy, declared that in its mandate of fittingly celebrating the "memorial of [Christ's] death and resurrection," "The Church, therefore, earnestly desires that Christ's faithful, when present at this mystery of faith, should not be there as strangers or silent spectators; on the contrary, through a good understanding of the rites and prayers they should take part in the sacred action conscious of what they are doing, with devotion and full collaboration" (48).  (Source: http://whispersintheloggia.blogspot.com/2006/04/full-conscious-active-participation.html - 
How are people with hearing loss and deafness going to be able to honor 'Sacrosanctum Concilium' if they don't have communication access or accommodations that work for them to allow this? The three most common communication access that allows full, conscious, and equal collaboration and participation and not being a spectator are Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops.


To get a general idea about distraction issues of captioning - Look to Distraction feedback at Theatres: 

"STAGETEXT receives very few complaints about captioning from hearing people; in fact, many of them like it and comments from hearing people such as "Theatre is for the majority, not the minority" are, thankfully, extremely rare." (Source: http://www.stagetext.org/info-for-audiences/frequently-asked-questions#Do%20hearing%20people%20find%20the%20captions%20distracting?)


Making it Clear in Advance:  

The same concept can apply to churches.  We don't need each Mass in Captioning.  We just need to be able to go to at least ONE Mass that has Captioning that one can reasonably travel to.  If people know that particular Mass will be captioned in advance like advertising it on the website and bulletin, they will know to NOT go to that Mass if Captioning is distracting.  But providing at least one Mass in Captioning is such a wonderful way to share the Joy of the Gospel to many deaf and hard of hearing people. Advertising it will allow it to be made known that it is available. 


"Shroeder said it is imperative that the church provide 

ministry that is inclusive for the hearing-impaired, "because 

it is the most critical aspect of their lives. If they miss out on

 spiritual issues, they miss out on a lot of other issues." 

(Source: http://amarillo.com/stories/2000/05/02/new_137-2762.001.shtml -LIZ EVERETT)


"(Catholics) who want to attend mass and be a part of ministries but do not find a willingness or desire for their inclusion. Often times this is do to ignorance and a lack of awareness." (Source:  http://www.disabilityawarenesstraining.com/component/content/article/3/40)


This technology is primarily used by people who are late-deafened, oral deaf, hard-of-hearing,or have cochlear implants. Culturally deaf individuals also make use of CART in certain situations. " (Source: http://www.everyonecommunicates.org/methods/captioning.html)


“CART is fast becoming one of the most requested services for late–deafened adults and individuals with little or no sign language acquisition, and it has gained acceptance with and become a preference for many Deaf individuals in schools and workplace settings"  


Are They In Your Church?


"The reference was to Mark 16:15 — Go throughout the whole 

world and preach the gospel to all mankind.
“He didn’t say, ‘Leave out some of the people,’ ” Fr. Robinson 



“There are all kinds of accommodations they make for
 other disabilities, but very few accommodations for
 hearing loss,” Charlie said."  (Source: http://lakerlutznews.com/lln/?p=18870)


"It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring 

him to everyone!" -  Pope St. John Paul II


"How often do we fail to realize that we are called to be 

Christ's witnesses to the 

world? How often do we reach out to our missing 

brothers and sisters by inviting 

them to join us at Mass or by asking why they no 

longer feel welcomed at Church? "  (Source:  http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/new-evangelization/disciples-called-to-witness/index.cfm)


"Christian witness is a participation in 

the witness of Christ (CCC 785). " (Source:  http://www.cuf.org/2013/01/and-you-will-be-my-witnesses-unwrapping-the-catechisms-teaching-on-the-meaning-of-christian-witness/)


" I expect respect and no pouting faces showing an expression of “oh how distracting.”  Sorry hearing people, I’m not feeling sorry for you, if you feel distracted by the captions.  I don’t exactly appreciate sitting there and not being able to follow what’s being said…" (Source:  http://ahearingloss.com/2011/01/17/never-or-always-surprised/)


"An obvious benefit of closed captioning is to allow everyone to have an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity." 


"Inclusion begins in places of worship — 

aren't they supposed to be open and 

accepting of all who profess their faith?"  


"Having no captions is equivalent to stating 'people with disabilities may not enter.'" - See more at: http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/legal/nad.php#sthash.6aKtVH0e.dpuf


"You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world, no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, they put it high for everyone to see!" (Matthew 5:13-16).  


Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops are the three most common communication access in the secular world of business, education and entertainment that allows for full and active, effective, and equal participation.  The Church can do the same in sharing the Joy of the Gospel.  Captioning is a wonderful way to share this Joy for so many who are deaf and hard of hearing.


This tells you exactly how to pray the Rosary:  


Praying the Rosary:  http://www.catholicmissionleaflets.org/rosary.htm



That All May Worship:   

"Accessible meeting space allows everyone to participate." (Source: http://www.ada.gov/business/accessiblemtg.htm


Captioning is the language of many who are

 deaf and hard of hearing


The deaf and hard of hearing in other churches

 advocating for CART (aka real time captioning): 

 See http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2014/04/ada-violation-at-upcoming-giant-center.html

A church event in a public place was offering sign language interpreter, spanish interpreter and almost didn't provide real time captioning (CART) which is translating spoken English into verbatim English  in real time like interpretation does that allows the majority of the deaf and hard of hearing to be able to PARTICIPATE like the others!  However, in the end, they were granted CART (real time captioning) that allows the same equal and effective communication access that ADA would support in secular society.


Captioning at a Mass? Why Not Sign 



"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what 

is possible, and suddenly you are doing the 

impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi

Lord Hear Our Prayer

LIGHT a CANDLE:  http://www.lightingacandle.org

Come Pray the Rosary with others - together Online:  http://www.comepraytherosary.org

(text guided version offered to follow along)


Caption Catholic Tidbits:


Inclusivity for all:  See https://www.captionfirst.com/Universal_Design
"Accessible meeting space allows 
everyone to participate." 

"Of all the barriers to full participation and inclusion, the barrier of unexamined attitudes is the most difficult to address," states Ginny Thornburgh, director of the American Association of People with Disabilities' Interfaith Initiative." 
US Bishop Statement:  
'It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be completely accessible to people with disabilities, since these forms are the essence of the spiritual tie that binds the Christian community together' 
(Source:  http://www.disabilityawarenesstraining.com/component/content/article/3/40)
The purpose of this blog is to raise  Diversity Awareness among those with hearing loss and deafness, and to raise  awareness that many  with hearing loss are being excluded from full participation at the Mass if the church does not have Captioning. Catholics with hearing loss deserve the fullness of their faith.   Does your Diocese/Archdiocese have at least one Mass service in Captioning at a church that one who benefits from it can reasonably travel to in order to fully and actively participate at the Mass? Contact your Diocese/Archdiocese - find it here:    http://www.usccb.org/about/bishops-and-dioceses/all-dioceses.cfm.)

Is your church or Diocese/Archdiocese  inclusive to all those with hearing loss and deafness by providing Real time Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops?   If 
not - Diversity and Inclusion Awareness is needed in order to share the joy of the 
gospel by applying Universal Communication Access.  It is very important to share 
the Word of God with everyone.  Let's pray for that!
Prayer of Inclusion: http://www.ncpd.org/ministries-programs/spirituality/prayers

"Be not Afraid, Open Wide the Gates" - Pope St.  John Paul II  
 (Source: http://jp2forum.blogspot.com/2013/12/be-not-afraid-resounding-from-1531-to.html)
CC-Caption Catholic