Thursday, April 3, 2014

Connecting to the Catholic Mass - Catholics with Hearing Loss: Captioning the Catholic Mass

                           Connecting to the Catholic Mass -Are You 

         "The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!" - Pope Paul VI 


"But we are members of the one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  We are supposed to be the 

beneficiaries of the fullness of the faith.  The Mass is a sacrament of the 

Word and the Eucharist.  It is not either/or.  It is 

both/and"  (Source: Vaughn Kohler)


Connecting the Word and Sacrament with Captioning:

Many hearing Catholics tell me - '…but you get Access to the Eucharist'.  Yes - but…..its all connected I often say. ' EWTN Mass has Captioning'….Yes….but…..its all connected I remind them. 

 I love hearing people but clearly they have taken the connection and integration for granted, sometimes projecting their own church experience on someone with a hearing loss or deafness if they don't realize that people with Hearing Loss and deafness are not connected to the Mass if there is no access. The hearing people are connected to the Mass because they can hear it, so they think everyone else is connected to the Mass too.  Both Word and Sacrament are connected.  Having integrated access to that is important .  In other words, the Mass is Word and Sacrament together not fragmented parts.  Captioning is a wonderful way to share the Joy of the Gospel, provide access to God's Word, and liturgical celebrations of the Mass to the deaf and hard of hearing so they can connect, engage and integrate Word and Sacrament. Captioning connects you to the Mass.

Captioning (Remote CART) connects you to the Mass in real time and word to word verbatim allowing authentic full and active participation in the present moment of the Mass with the community.  Captioning is one of three common communication access in the secular world of business, education and entertainment -that being Captioning, Audio Loops and Sign Language.  People with hearing loss and deafness need Access to God's word at Church.  For Catholics -the beginning to end of the Mass flows with one seam. It's all connected.


"This makes the proclamation of 

Sacred Scripture followed by the 


an integral part of the entire 

sacramental ritual. The intention 

was to enable those present to

 understand and

 internalize the sacrament."


Consuming the Word:

Like its been said - Its all Connected!


" The homily should be an effective

 bridge for the 

listeners to cross from their pews to 

participation in 

the Eucharist. "



" Both word and sacrament must be 

intimately connected, as are knowledge 

and love.   (Source: )


Is Coming to the Mass for the Eucharist enough without Access to God's Word and Witnessing the integration of Word and Sacrament?  

According to this: 

"The Liturgy of the Word and the 

Liturgy of the 

Eucharist "are so closely connected 

with each 

other that they form but one single

 act of 

worship" ("Constitution on the 

Sacred Liturgy," 

No. 56). " (Source: -FR. WILLIAM SAUNDERS

 This statement only confirms how important it is that

 those with hearing loss have full access to the Mass,

 not just the Eucharist,  but also the Word.  It's all 

connected.  Captioning, Audio Loops and Sign 

Language are the three most common communication

 access used by those with hearing loss and deafness

 that allows full, equal and active participation.  CART

 (captioning) is a valid and effective communication 

access under ADA.


Integration of Word and Sacrament with Captioning - It's All Connected:

Captioning allows this connection and integration for many people with hearing loss and deafness to obtain the fullness of their faith.  It connects you to the Mass and the community.  I will say from experience that there is more spiritual depth, insight and connection on a deeper level engaged in the homily, intercessory prayers, the liturgy and participating with lay responses via captions watching the EWTN Mass compared to going to a real Mass that has no access.  It  is a very disconnecting  experience with the community without access in a real Mass by comparison.   Captioning at a real Mass allows one to participate and connect.  It allows an authentic verbatim of the homily by the priest. It  allows you to connect to the community by being able to participate with lay responses during prayer of the faithful and the many other common prayers throughout the Mass with the laity.  It allows you access to the announcements of the community. It allows you to reflect on the homily with the community in real time together. It allows you to enter in more deeply.  Having access to the Word of God integrates and prepares you for receiving the Sacrament. It's all connected. 

  Just sitting there as a spectator or observer at a real Mass during homily, intercessory prayers etc.  is NOT sharing and professing your faith together in a community or being a part of the community of believers.  It cuts you off. You don't have access. It can be an isolating and alienating experience for those with hearing loss if the church is not hearing accessible whether your means for equal communication access is Captioning, Audio Loops or Sign Language (and other means).   You are on the margins of church life.  It is difficult for hearing people to grasp the concept that others don't have the same experience at a Mass if they are unable to hear it or follow along.   The connection, engagement and integration is important.  Hearing people tend to project their own experiences onto someone with a hearing loss thinking they are experiencing the same thing.  You can't claim someone else's Mass experience if you can't hear it or understand it or follow along with it, or be a spectator or observer. It is my hope to raise this awareness of making the church hearing accessible for ALL those with hearing loss and consider the diverse needs among us in order for us to 'fully' participate.  Captioning is the language of many with hearing loss and deafness.   Being able to engage and participate within the framework of the integration of Word and Sacrament at the SAME  Mass is important.  
It allows  Sacrosanctum Concilium.


" Sacrosanctum Concilium:  "The 

Church, therefore, earnestly desires 

that Christ's faithful, when present at

 this mystery of faith, should not be 

there as strangers or silent spectators

on the contrary, through a good 

understanding of the rites and prayers 

they should take part in the sacred 

action conscious of what they are 

doing, with devotion and full 

collaboration" (48).  (Source: -)

People with hearing loss and deafness would like to be able to honor 'Sacrosanctum Concilium' by having a communication access or accommodations that work for them.  The three most common communication access in the secular world that allows full, conscious, equal and active collaboration and participation and not being a spectator are Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops.  Captioning is used by many deaf and hard of hearing people. Captioning is the language of many with hearing loss and deafness.


Demo of Real time Captioning (aka Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART):  

Go to:  (scroll down to find demo video, 
click on CC)


"The key to deciding what aid or service is needed to communicate effectively is to consider the nature, length, complexity, and context of the communication as well as the person’s normal method(s) of communication." (Source:



 "It is the duty of all to listen." 


"CART is an acronym for Communication Access Realtime Translation. There are 28 million* people in the United States with hearing loss and only 500,000 are able to communicate with sign language. Persons who are oral deaf, late-deafened, or hard of hearing and do not know sign language and/or have no one to communicate with in sign language must utilize other methods, such as lip-reading, assistive listening devices, or CART. " (Source:* note: now 48 million and counting and will double by 2030


"It is important to see, to witness and to be a part of the Mass. The connection is important.” 



" She became aware that 98 percent of 

people with impaired hearing do not 

attend church. “The comfort that the word

 of God brings is phenomenal. ” (Source: Barb Harmon)


“There are all kinds of accommodations they make for
 other disabilities, but very few accommodations for
 hearing loss,” Charlie said."  (Source:


Now, certainly someone with a hearing loss can watch a Mass on EWTN with captioning and then go to a regular Mass for the Eucharist (even though they can't fully and actively participate at the real Mass compared to one that is captioned on TV)  but the Mass experience is not a cohesive one doing it in fragments or parts and disconnection from the community because they are not entering into the same experience or sharing it as the congregation is in one whole . There is the integration between Word and Sacrament when one is able to fully participate at the SAME Mass.  It's all Connected. 


"The importance for people with any disability to

 interact in a standard setting rather than do it 

differently is critical." (Source: -ROSEMARIE LENTINI- THE DAILY TELEGRAPH

A Priest says on this link:

" The offering of the Mass and the 

reception of Holy 

Communion are intrinsically 


Moreover, the components of the

 Mass, particularly 

the Liturgy of the Word and the

 Liturgy of 

the Eucharist, form a cohesive





The Church needs to have Universal 

Communication Access for the deaf and hard

 of hearing: 


" we need assistive listening technology like

 hearing loops and captions,

 and signage that 

makes it clear that the service is available. This 

is a goal that we can 

achieve, but in order 

to do so, we need to change the way we think

 about communication and 

hearing access." 


"We want people with any disability to

 be nourished in 

the faith and to be able to contribute to

 the life of the

 parish community," Benton said. 

(Source: -By Nancy Frazier O'Brien)


"It's awesome to be able to read what's being said," said 

Lisa McLauglin, 39, who is legally deaf and greets newcomers at the 8:45 a.m. Sunday service. "Had it not 

been for the captioning," she wrote, 

"I would still be out there 


(Source: -Linda Stewart Ball-The Dallas Morning News)


"Instead of an outside observer, I was a

 witness." (Source:


"It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be 

completely accessible to people with 

disabilities, since these forms are the essence of 

the spiritual tie that binds the Christian 

community together," the bishops wrote. (Source:


How does Remote CART (real time captioning )


"The strength of our faith, at a personal and community level, can be measured by the ability to communicate it to others, to spread and live it in charity, to witness it to those we meet and share the path of life with us."  -Pope Francis   (Source:


"Listening can be the most active form of participation, demanding effort and attention. Truly, as the scriptures tell us, faith demands hearing, fides ex audit.  "


"A sobering thought for religious leaders is that 90% of those with a hearing impairment may not attend services due to an inability to hear and participate." (Source:


"Having no captions is equivalent to stating 'people with disabilities may not enter.'" - See more at:


"Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lamp stand  where it gives light to all in the house." - (Matthew 5:14,15)  (Source:



Become One Body One Spirit In Christ:



Why being able to fully participate as a Catholic during Mass is important:  See



The Importance of Participation at Mass:


Real Presence in the Eucharist:  

"This is the bread that came down from heaven. "  

John 6: 58 (Source:  John 6: 52-59 at


"The reference was to Mark 16:15 — Go 

throughout the whole 

world and preach the gospel to all mankind.
“He didn’t say, ‘Leave out some of the people,’ 

” Fr. Robinson 



"This, my brothers and sisters, is the crux of the problem. These girls were raised as Catholics, but did not know about the Eucharist. " (Source:


Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops are the three most common communication access in the secular world of business, education and entertainment that allows for full and active, effective, and equal participation.  The Church can do the same in sharing the Joy of the Gospel.  Captioning is a wonderful way to share this Joy for so many who are deaf and hard of hearing.


This technology is primarily used by people who are late-deafened, oral deaf, hard-of-hearing,or have cochlear implants. Culturally deaf individuals also make use of CART in certain situations. " (Source:


“CART is fast becoming one of the most requested services for late–deafened adults and individuals with little or no sign language acquisition, and it has gained acceptance with and become a preference for many Deaf individuals in schools and workplace settings"  


Are They In Your Church?

Find Out Here:


Effective Communication for the deaf and 

hard of hearing under ADA:  


Captioning is a Universal Design Access: 


Both the Eucharist and the word are 


of life. Thus, in St John’s Gospel, Jesus


 “I am the living bread that came down


 heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he

 will live 

forever” (Jn 6:51). This is also true of 


word: Jesus says, “The words that I 


spoken to you are spirit and life”


Church Drop outs:

"About 90 percent of church members and constituents living with any of these forms of hearing loss become church dropouts. The culprit is the not uncommon failure of churches to be "hearing-accessible. " 

Source:  (


"For various reasons, 


have lagged behind wider 

trends in

 society to be inclusive of 


with disabilities." 


Making the Catholic Mass Accessible for

 the deaf and hard of hearing: 


Captioning is the language of many who are

 deaf and hard of hearing


Captioning at a Mass? Why Not Sign 



Other churches advocating for CART (aka captioning):  See


The Faith Explained 


"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi

Lord Hear Our Prayer


Captioning, Sign Language and Audio loops are the three most common communication access used by the deaf and hard of hearing in secular business, education and entertainment settings.  It would be nice if it was also being provided in churches even though the church is ADA exempt.  The hearing loss and deafness population is diverse so all three most common communication   access needs to be in place.

About 10 percent estimated of the hearing loss population benefit from sign language (3 percent are native/primary users and 7 percent estimate are acquired/bilingual for a total estimate of 10 percent ), about 40 to 60 percent estimated of the hearing loss population benefit from Captioning, and about 70 to 80 percent estimated  can benefit from Audio Loops (assuming they are wearing hearing aids and cochlear implants with T coils so this is more in theory). However in reality; 1 in 5 Americans with hearing loss who can benefit from a  hearing aid wear one.  1 in 4 deaf adult Americans who can benefit from a cochlear implant wear a cochlear implant. 25 percent of hearing aids do not have T coils in them.  Many people with more severe and profound hearing losses who do wear hearing aids and do have T coils in them often find the Audio Induction loops not reliable for them or 'strong' enough. Captioning can also cover all these groups and thereby provide effective communication  access.  Technically though any one who can read  (receptive) and speak (expressive) can benefit from Captioning so real time captioning can cover a wide user population within the spectrum of hearing loss.

Think those with mild and moderate hearing loss who most benefit from audio induction loops are wearing  hearing aids?  According to this:

"Only 14% of older adults with hearing loss use

 hearing aids, according to estimates from a 

nationwide survey.

The proportion dropped to fewer than 4% of people

 with mild hearing loss across all age decades and 

to fewer than 5% of adults ages 50 to 59,

 irrespective of the severity of hearing loss."


This {real time captioning} technology is primarily used by people who are late-deafened, oral deaf, hard-of-hearing,or have cochlear implants. Culturally deaf individuals also make use of CART in certain situations. " (Source:


"A growing number of churches, synagogues 

and other places of worship are adopting 

closed captioning for hearing-impaired 

congregants." (Source:


Caption Catholic Tidbits:



Pray For Us All!

100,000 Christians are Killed – PER YEAR  ANNUALLY-  because of their Faith Per Vatican:  See

Come Pray the Rosary with others - together Online

(text guided version offered to follow along)


" No captions is like no ramp for people in wheelchairs or signs stating ‘people with disabilities are not welcome."  
This applies just as well to real time captioning in churches as well, only the church is ADA exempt.  The ADA law does not apply to churches.  The church and any kind of worship place of any faith is allowed to discriminate and not provide real time captioning for church services.  90 percent of the those with hearing loss do not attend church because the church is not accessible to them.  Wouldn't it be nice to provide real time captioning to our brothers and sisters in Christ in order to share the Joy of the Gospel?  Maybe the 90 percent of the missing brothers and sisters might return to the church if it is accessible to them, thereby opening the doors and welcoming them to share and experience the fullness of their faith.
Inclusivity for all:  See

"Accessible meeting space allows 
everyone to participate." 

"Of all the barriers to full participation and inclusion, the barrier of unexamined attitudes is the most difficult to address," states Ginny Thornburgh, director of the American Association of People with Disabilities' Interfaith Initiative." 
Without real time captioning as a valid accommodation for the late deaf, oral deaf and hard of hearing it is like saying to them at the church door:   'no ramp for the wheel chair users' , or 'no blacks allowed', or 'no Irish need to apply'.  
US Bishop Statement:  
'It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be completely accessible to people with disabilities, since these forms are the essence of the spiritual tie that binds the Christian community together' 
The purpose of this blog is to raise  Diversity Awareness among those with hearing loss and deafness, and to raise  awareness that many  with hearing loss are being excluded from full participation at the Mass if the church does not have Captioning. Catholics with hearing loss deserve the fullness of their faith.   Does your Diocese/Archdiocese have at least one Mass service in Captioning at a church that one who benefits from it can reasonably travel to in order to fully and actively participate at the Mass? Contact your Diocese/Archdiocese - find it here:

Is your church or Diocese/Archdiocese  inclusive to all those with hearing loss and deafness by providing Real time Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops?   If not - Diversity and Inclusion Awareness is needed in order to share the joy of the gospel by applying Universal Communication Access.  It is very important to share the Word of God with everyone.  Let's pray for that!
Prayer of Inclusion:

"Be not Afraid, Open Wide the Gates" - Pope St.  John Paul II  
CC-Caption Catholic