Thursday, January 15, 2015

                                             'I Have A Dream' 

                    "Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought."                                                                                                     
                                                      - St. Pope John Paul II
                      'I Have A  Dream' (in captioning ):


A Captioning demo -the viewing screen of captioning looks like this on above link if you are holding a personal device, laptop, iPad or large viewing screen to read the captioning.  Notice in this case how the font size, back lighting, and color can be adjusted for the person when using their own personal devices to read the captioning event.  Such adjustments are useful for those with low vision and learning disabilities, and those with dyslexia as well as adjusting it based on the lighting situation of the room.


"CART is kinda like interpretation services or translating.  CART is:  "CART is an acronym that stands for Communication Access Real-time Translation.  By looking at the meaning of each of these words, CART can be defined as; “the ability to use information at the actual time it occurs as it’s converted to another form”.  (Source:
Breaking the Sound Barriers in Your Church:

"The ADA calls us to be aware of and correct what we do that unnecessarily excludes people"



 Equal Access to the American Dream:


I have a Dream…..


"Modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin – and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 -- the ADA is an "equal opportunity" law for people with disabilities." 

The church is exempt from ADA laws, but ADA laws are a model framework in determining what is effective, equal communication access for the deaf and hard of hearing. Captioning (CART or remote CART) is a VALID communication access per ADA.   

The deaf and hard of hearing have no rights to effective and equal access in the church.   The law does not protect them in churches.  However, ADA is a model framework for what is effective communication for the deaf and hard of hearing in order to share the gospel message.  Captioning is the language of many who are deaf and hard of hearing, and other 'disabilities' too.

Catholic Ministry to the Hearing Impaired or deaf or hard of hearing 

 Are you deaf or hard of hearing, or hearing impaired?  Are you thinking of returning to the Catholic Church?  

You can go home again.  Ask for Captioning.  Keep asking.   We have a Dream too - to share the Joy of the Gospel to everyone and let the deaf and hard of hearing have access to the church.   

I personally do not think giving up God's word is something to offer up or sacrifice.   You need to be able to connect to the Mass, to participate, engage and witness it.  Having access to God's word is a wonderful way to experience the fullness of your faith and the Joy of the Gospel message.

Understanding God's word in church is often more important to many people then what is available in the business, educational and entertainment sectors of secular society via captioning.  

The Door is Open for You:

How to share the gospel with Catholics:  informative website at

Top 10 Reasons to come back to the Catholic Church:

Captioning in church services: 


Real time captioning:  

"Typically, the service is geared toward the hearing impaired.

"What is driving the demand is the baby boomers," said Fred Sharp, president of the Chartered Shorthand Reporters Association of Ontario."


"An obvious benefit of closed captioning

 is to allow everyone to have an equal

 opportunity to participate in and enjoy the

 benefits of a service, program or activity." 



"ensure that the power of salvation may be shared by all" (John Paul II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, n. 16). "(Source:


Luke 11:9-13: And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. (Source:


What a beautiful dream from Pope


"…May the church be the place of God's mercy and love where everyone can feel themselves welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live according to the good life of the Gospel. And in order to make others feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged, the church must have open doors so that all might enter. And we must go out of those doors and proclaim the Gospel." -Pope Francis  (Source:


Do You have a Dream?

“I plead with you – never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.”


The Polish had a Dream and it came true!

“We want God! We want God! The Polish people shouted, as John Paul II made his first visit to Poland. “Papa!  Papa!  We want God!” (Source:


This Catholic church has real time captioning (CART) for the deaf and hard of hearing:

"St. Theresa Catholic Church in Ashburn, VA:  HOMILY REAL-TIME TRANSLATION SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE VIA iPAD – Are you not hearing the Sunday mass homily as well as you’d like?  Especially for the hearing impaired and deaf but open to all, you now have an amazing option to receive the Sunday mass homily, prayers of the faithful, and announcements via real-time translation (CART service) directly to your iPAD during mass!  St. Theresa parishioner and professional court reporter Donna L. Linton has volunteered to provide the service (just like closed captioning on your television).  Please contact Donna at for information on mass times and how to join in. " 


That All May Worship:   


"individuals with disabilities continually encounter various forms of discrimination, including outright intentional exclusion, the discriminatory effects of architectural, transportation, and communication barriers….." see more at


"Too many Catholic schools and churches do not

 have adequate resources for people with

 disabilities."  (Source:


Statistics tell us that 98% of people with hearing loss do not have a
church home, and the deaf and hard of hearing are the fourth largest
unreached people group in the world."


             Captioning Shares the Message


What is ADA and does it apply to the deaf

 and hard of hearing?  How about in


"  Title III of the ADA mandates that no individuals shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in their enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations of any place of public accommodation. To comply with this provision, a public accommodation must remove barriers to full access of its facilities.
The equal access provisions of ADA, however, do not apply to religious organizations or places of worship operated by religious organizations."


"The faithful are called to spread the
 word, and captioning makes that more

Demo of Real time Captioning (aka Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART):  
Go to:  (scroll down to find demo video, 
click on CC)
Without real time captioning as a valid accommodation for the late deaf, oral deaf and hard of hearing it is like saying to them at the church door:   'no ramp for the wheel chair users' , or 'no blacks allowed', or 'no Irish need to apply'.  
"A general rule of thumb is to ask whether people are able to access the facility and, once in, is effective communication happening?"  (Source:
20% of the US population aged 12 years and older has hearing difficulties severe enough to impact communication according to Hearing Health Foundation.(source; which means they are not able to fully participate if the church is not hearing accessible. 

There is a good chance these people are in  your church.  On the other hand, there is a good chance they are not because if there is no Captioning, Sign language and Audio Loops they can't participate and the drop out rates are 90 percent for folks with any form of hearing loss or deafness if they are not given opportunities to fully and actively participate in the life of the church, not to mention those who don't even bother joining a church in the first place if they know it is not accessible.  Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops provide wonderful support for the diverse population of those with hearing loss and deafness.  People with hearing loss and deafness are a large unchurched group on the whole because the church is not 'hearing accessible' in a way that allows full, conscious, and active participation as Vatican II/Canon Law implies.  


"Catholics with disabilities are much

 more likely to be inactive Catholics 

than their non-disabled counterparts." 


"We want people with any disability to

 be nourished in the faith and to be able

 to contribute to the life of the parish

 community," Benton said. 


" Many people who are Deaf or hard of hearing grew up hearing or were educated in an “oral tradition”, and do not know sign language. Not all Deaf or hard of hearing people find assistive listening devices to be effective. For these individuals, captioning may provide an effective way of communication – seeing what is said. "


"This imminent conflict between the

 desire to include all

 persons in church activities and the

 respect for a 

priest’s power to control his parish

 highlights the

difficulty of achieving the church’s ideals

 for including

 persons with disabilities"



Captioning the Word: 


"Capital Area Disabilities Ministries found that many houses of worship mistakenly assume that becoming more accessible will be a financial drain."


"Churches, you might say, can't 

afford to build all 

these expensive

 accommodations for the


You have to realize, though, that

 the lack of these 

services is keeping many people

 away from Christ." 


“I wish churches would get a

 vision here

and see the mission field that’s





“The joy of the Gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded.  That is what the angel proclaimed to shepherds in Bethlehem: ‘Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will come to all people’ (Lk 2:10)” (EG no. 23).  How might one reach people all over the world with the Good News?    "        (Source:


"If we find that diversity, then

 we are going to put in the ramp

. And we'll put in the elevator

 and we'll add real-time 

captioning [for the deaf]." 


"The overwhelming majority of people categorized as deaf by the NHS and SIPP are perfectly fluent speakers of
English (or another spoken language) and did not experience any difficulty hearing until well
into adulthood (e.g., Blanchfield, Dunbar, Feldman, & Gardner, 1999; Mitchell, 2005). As a
consequence, most people who are audiologically deaf do not use sign language."


 Draft manuscript accepted for publication in
Sign Language Studies, Volume 6, Number 3, 2006
How Many People Use ASL in the United States?
Why Estimates Need Updating��
Ross E. Mitchell, Travas A. Young, Bellamie Bachleda,
and Michael A. Karchmer
Gallaudet Research Institute
Gallaudet University


"Having no captions is equivalent to stating 'people with disabilities may not enter.'" - See more at:


"For the Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

Arrange for seating the Deaf community in the 

front, near the


Arrange for interpreter or real time captioning 

services at 

two weeks in advance.
Utilize room amplification system or personal 
Provide all materials to the interpreter or CART
 reporter one 
week in advance.
Provide bright lighting.  Avoid creating a special 
with dim lighting."


Audio Loops and Captioning: 

“Like any technology, it works well for some. 

For others that might have more severe or 

profound hearing loss, it wouldn't be as 

beneficial as a captioning type of a 

system,” she said." 

 (Source: -byTory N. Parrish )


" The majority of deaf and hard of  hearing
 people  are oral using spoken languages and
  know a little  or no sign language to benefit
interpreters, so signed events are still   not
 “fully”  inclusive, especially for those

"All of us are covered by the ADA. This is not 
about a preference, a personal choice, or the 
opinion of one over another or over a 
“The primary users of CC are not necessarily deaf people, but those who are elderly and hard of hearing.
This is very much an underserved population. If CC is made available to them, however, it allows them to follow sermons and services word-for-word and be connected to the message that they were previously having trouble hearing."

"Assistive listening devices, presently 
available under ADA regulations, do not serve 
the significant portion of the population who rely
 on visual translations of sounds due to more 
severe hearing losses."  (Source: Bill Graham)
 "So many assistive device systems for the 
hard-of-hearing don't 
help those of us with severe losses and never
seem to dependably work on a regular basis.
(Source: - By Pat Gardiner)
"Technically, my loss is somewhere on the moderate to severe scale.
 With lip-reading, hearing aids, subtitles, some patience and a few repetitions, I can mostly get by. Just. Induction loops {Audio loops} don’t seem to be much help for my kind of hearing loss."  (Source:
Myths about the hard of hearing (and 
severe to profound hearing loss, oral 
deaf and late deaf) 

"In this document, the Bishops
 recognized that “it is not merely
 enough to affirm the rights of
 people with disabilities.  The
 Church must become ‘an
 advocate for and with people
 with disabilities’ and ‘it must
 work to increase the public’s 
sensitivity toward (their) needs
 and support their rightful
 demand for justice.'”

“If we can start to understand how
 people with disabilities respond
 to the church, then we can see
 how other people who might feel

" No captions is like no ramp for people in wheelchairs or signs stating ‘people with disabilities are not welcome."  (Source:
This applies just as well to real time captioning in churches as well, only the church is ADA exempt.  The ADA law does not apply to churches.  The church and any kind of worship place of any faith is allowed to discriminate and not provide real time captioning for church services.  90 percent of the those with hearing loss do not attend church because the church is not accessible to them.
"Accessible meeting space allows 
everyone to participate." 

"The key to deciding what aid or service is needed to communicate effectively is to consider the nature, length, complexity, and context of the communication as well as the person’s normal method(s) of communication." (Source:

“As a child, my expectation was that the church was where people would feel most welcome and most accepted, so when I read the bishops’ pastoral, it was a statement of the church I had hoped for,” she says." 

"The National Organization on 

Disability estimates less than half of 

disabled Americans attend services 

at least once a month compared to 

57% without disabilities."



"We are a single flock under the care of a single shepherd.  There can be no separate Church for persons with disabilities." (Welcome & Justice, par.1)


Does  your church have real time

 captioning for the deaf and hard of



Captioning matters:


"CART {real time captioning or the newer tech version called Remote CART} can be utilized by several people at the same time and can assist persons who are hard of hearing or deaf; people for whom English is a second language; people with physical limitations; and, people with processing or learning difficulties. "


The Deaf/deaf/HOH need Universal Access:  

"When designing a space or 


an event, we need to strive for 

universal access—so that all 

members of our communities can 

attend and participate. This means 

that, in addition to ramps and 

elevators, we need assistive 

listening technology like hearing 

loops and captions, and signage 

that makes it clear that the service 

is available. This is a goal that we 

can achieve, but in order to do so, 

we need to change the way we

 think about communication and 

hearing access. "

- See more at: http://agewisekin



The ripple effect extends

 beyond those with hearing 


(Source: -By Barb Harmon)


"CART is classified as an assistive technology and is considered a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is a service provided in the academic setting for students with hearing impairment as well as in public settings such as conventions, churches, corporate meetings, funerals, police interrogations, etc. "  
Captioning is not just for the deaf and hard of hearing. One example is Autism (and other processing issues like CAPD, auditory dyslexia, LD and short term memory issues):
"For captioning, the key benefit is reinforcement of auditory information. 
“People on the
autistic spectrum may struggle with audio processing, that is filtering out different sounds and distinguishing between what’s relevant and what is not relevant. "
Catholic Diocese of Utah has real time captioning?!  " 

"Arrange for interpreter or real time captioning services


"§ 211 §    Every person should be welcomed into the worshiping assembly with respect and care. It was the prophet Isaiah who announced the Lord's message: "For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples."  " (Source:


Captioning is the language of many who are

 deaf and hard of hearing


Sharing the Good News: When you have to stand up for your rights to have effective communication access for the deaf and hard of hearing:
The deaf and hard of hearing in other churches advocating for CART (aka real time captioning): 
A church event in a public place was offering sign language interpreter, spanish interpreter and almost didn't provide real time captioning (CART) which is translating spoken English into verbatim English  in real time like interpretation does that allows the majority of the deaf and hard of hearing to be able to PARTICIPATE like the others!  However, in the end, they were granted CART (real time captioning) that allows the same equal and effective communication access that ADA would support in secular society. It is important to provide access to all the deaf and hard of hearing because 90 percent of them do not know sign language. Captioning should be available any more then sign language and spanish interpreters at events because 1 in 5 Americans have a significant hearing loss (1 in 3 after age 65).
It is so wonderful to hear they got access and to share it with everyone.

"All of us are covered by the ADA. This is
 not about a
 preference, a personal choice, or the
 opinion of one
 over another or over a majority."  (Source:

Catholics with Disabilities – Part of the Fabric or the Fringe?:

"It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring him to everyone!" - Pope St. John Paul II

"Hearing-impaired Catholics endure plenty of aggravation and frustration when they are unable to properly hear what is going on at Mass, revealed Fr. John Hemsing of St. Clare Parish in Wind Lake, who added weekly closed-captioned Masses last December" (Source:

"The homily is a Personal word. "Before anything else...the Sunday homily is the word of a person of faith, the word of a person who has experienced the Lord and who wishes to share that experience." (page53). Paul VI said that our modern world thirsts for authenticity and a homily that is personal will communicate verbally and non-verbally the preacher’s authentic love of God and pastoral love for the assembly."
"The importance for people with any disability to interact 
in a standard setting rather than do it differently is 

"We depend on captions for television, 
movies, relay phone calls, live theater and
meetings, etc. However, captions are lack
ing at churches and synagogues. As a 
result we no longer attend. We feel 
excluded from the spiritual communities." 
"Attitude and awareness, more so than high costs of 
renovation {and services}, are frequently the biggest
 obstacles to making accessibility improvements."
- See more at:
"If I can’t fully participate, I don’t go. Our church isn’t
 there yet.”
- See more at:

Lets pray that we break the

communication barriers for all!
Captioning, Sign Language and Audio loops are the three most common communication access used by the deaf and hard of hearing in secular business, education and entertainment settings.  It would be nice if it was also being provided in churches even though the church is ADA exempt.  The hearing loss and deafness population is diverse so all three most common communication   access needs to be in place.
About 10 percent estimated of the hearing loss population benefit from sign language (3 percent are native/primary users and 7 percent estimate are acquired/bilingual for a total estimate of 10 percent ), about 40 to 60 percent estimated of the hearing loss population benefit from Captioning, and about 70 to 80 percent estimated  can benefit from Audio Loops (assuming they are wearing hearing aids and cochlear implants with T coils so this is more in theory). However in reality; 1 in 5 Americans with hearing loss who can benefit from a  hearing aid wear one.  1 in 4 deaf adult Americans who can benefit from a cochlear implant wear a cochlear implant. 25 percent of hearing aids do not have T coils in them.  Many people with more severe and profound hearing losses who do wear hearing aids and do have T coils in them often find the Audio Induction loops not reliable for them or 'strong' enough. Captioning can also cover all these groups and thereby provide effective communication  access.  Technically though any one who can read  (receptive) and speak (expressive) can benefit from Captioning so real time captioning can cover a wide user population within the spectrum of hearing loss.
Think those with mild and moderate hearing loss who most benefit from audio induction loops are wearing  hearing aids?  According to this:
"Only 14% of older adults with hearing loss use
 hearing aids, according to estimates from a 
nationwide survey. The proportion dropped to fewer than 4% of people
 with mild hearing loss across all age decades and 
to fewer than 5% of adults ages 50 to 59,
 irrespective of the severity of hearing loss."
This {real time captioning} technology is primarily used by people who are late-deafened, oral deaf, hard-of-hearing,or have cochlear implants. Culturally deaf individuals also make use of CART in certain situations. " (Source:
"A growing number of churches, synagogues  and other places of worship are adopting  closed captioning for hearing-impaired  congregants." (Source:


Captioning is the Way to Go!
Clear Captions; FREE captioning for your phone calls:
Hearing Loss Association of America – The Nation's Voice for people with hearing loss:  See


The Association of Late Deafened Adults (really anyone deaf of any age onset):  See


"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi

Lord Hear Our Prayer


Welcome !    See

         The Coming Home Network:  See


Pray For Us All!




          Why I'm Catholic:


Come Pray the Rosary with others - together Online

(text guided version offered to follow along)


St. Bakhita; From Slave to Saint ( A Film in English Subtitles):


The increasing demands of real time captioning

 and broadcast captioning is driven by two




US Bishop Statement:  
'It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be completely accessible to people with disabilities, since these forms are the essence of the spiritual tie that binds the Christian community together' (Source:

The purpose of this blog is to raise  Diversity Awareness among those with hearing loss and deafness, and to raise  awareness that many  with hearing loss are being excluded from full participation at the Mass if the church does not have Captioning. Catholics with hearing loss deserve the fullness of their faith.   Does your Diocese/Archdiocese have at least one Mass service in Captioning at a church that one who benefits from it can reasonably travel to in order to fully and actively participate at the Mass?   Contact your Diocese/Archdiocese - find it here:

Is your church or Diocese/Archdiocese  inclusive to all those with hearing loss and deafness by providing Real time Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops?   If not - Diversity and Inclusion Awareness is needed in order to share the joy of the gospel by applying Universal Communication Access.  It is very important to share the Word of God with everyone.  Let's pray for that!

Prayer of Inclusion:

"Ensure that the power of salvation may be shared by all" (John Paul II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, n. 16). "(Source:

"Be not Afraid, Open Wide the Gates" - Pope St.  John Paul II   (Source:

CC-Caption Catholic