Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WORD ON FIRE! Even hotter with Captioning! - Catholics with Hearing Loss : Captioning the Catholic Mass

"Be not Afraid" --  "Open up, no; swing wide the gates to Christ. Open up to his saving power the confines of the State, open up economic and political systems, the vast empires of culture, civilization and development. Be not afraid!"  -  St. John Paul II   (Source:

Catholic DVD's in subtitles or captioning:  One of the best Catholic DVD series is just that –WORD ON FIRE!   Fr. Barron has an awesome Catholic DVD series called Catholicism (see   that is in captioned/subtitle!  (both English and Spanish and I believe in other languages as well).  That's make the Word on Fire even hotter!  If you haven't seen it yet, it is a must if you want to understand what Catholicism is all about.   If you have a hearing loss you are in for a treat –no cookie crumbs being served to you here --- it is an authentic written verbatim in subtitle/captioning straight from the priest himself Fr. Barron!  

Many Catholic churches offer this series so you could watch it there as well (just remind them to put the subtitles/captions feature on and you might have to keep reminding them if you are doing this weekly because they forget.)

This is my first pick in choosing Catholic DVD's!  Fr. Barron is reaching out to the growing hearing loss and deafness population by having subtitles/captioning on his DVD's.  This is very helpful in breaking the sound barriers for the deaf and hard of hearing in the church.


More still! - Another  New DVD from Fr. Barron! (its in CC for the deaf and hard of hearing!) :


Fr. Barron's Blog and more information on WORD ON FIRE is at .  Fr. Barron also has some You tube's with CC on them. He is very articulate, loves words and it's on fire, and he doesn't dumb it down for you either!    For more information here is the website at


Father Barron on You Tube:  (click on CC for captioning)  Once you get to this link scroll to the vast library of Fr. Barron's video collection to choose the one you are interested in.

Using  You Tube with a screen reader ( low vision/blind)


Top 10 Fr. Barron  You Tube Video's:  

 (click on CC for closed captioning)


Reza Aslan's Cartoon Jesus:


Catholic News Agency article by Fr. Barron The Field Hospital is open: Reflections on Pope Francis's Interview  See


Word on Fire App


Why I hate religion but love Jesus:  Part 1 at and Part 2 at (click on CC for captioning)


Why Do We Believe in God? (a Fr. Barron video; click on CC for captioning):




"Here's why I think the megachurches are full of ex-Catholics:because Catholics don't really understand and appreciate the truths of their faith. " (Source:  Rose)

Welcome !    See

Reaching Catholics in your Community:  



"The reference was to Mark 16:15 — Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all mankind.
“He didn’t say, ‘Leave out some of the people,’ ” Fr. Robinson said." 


Captioning is the language of many deaf and  hard of hearing being the interpretative verbatim text of our native English language, so I really appreciate DVD's that have subtitles on them and real  time captioning at the Mass so we can experience the fullness of our faith.


"Just as all of us like to be spoken to in our mother tongue, so too in the faith we like to be spoken to in our “mother culture,” our native language (cf. 2 Macc 7:21, 27), and our heart is better disposed to listen. This language is a kind of music which inspires encouragement, strength and enthusiasm."  (Source:


CaptionCatholic Tidbits:

With Closed Captioning Music can help tell a story:


Integrating Technology in the 


"John Paul II wrote: "the Church is 

not only called upon to use the mass 

media to spread the Gospel but, today 

more than ever, to integrate the 

message of salvation into the "new 

culture" that these powerful means 

of communication create and 

amplify."  (source: -Karen A. Walker)


Captioning is the Global Language!

"YouTube is a global platform that reaches billions of people worldwide, so it’s likely part of your audience may speak a different language than you. Adding closed captions (CC) and subtitles to your videos can help your content appeal to a global audience including viewers with hearing impairments or foreign-language speakers."  

"Over 60% of YouTube's audience are foreign language speakers and hearing-impaired viewers. Reach them with captions and subtitles."


Fr. Baron on the Pope and the Joy of 


"It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring him to everyone!" - Pope St. John Paul II


Lord, Hear Our Prayer


The Coming Home Network:  See


"Accessible meeting space allows 
everyone to participate." 

US Bishop Statement:  
'It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be completely accessible to people with disabilities, since these forms are the essence of the spiritual tie that binds the Christian community together' 

"Be not Afraid, Open Wide the Gates" - Pope St.  John Paul II  

CC -CaptionCatholic

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