Creating Access to the Catholic Confessional for the deaf and hard of hearing - Catholics with Hearing Loss: Captioning the Catholic Mass
Creating Access to the Catholic Confessional
"Go to your confessor; open your heart to him; display to him all the recesses of your soul; take the advice that he will give you with the utmost humility and simplicity. For God, Who has an infinite love for obedience, frequently renders profitable the counsels we take from others, but especially from those who are the guides of our souls." - St. Francis de Sales
Catholics and Confession:
Universal Design at Confessionals:
The entire 'disability' population should be considered as much as possible and see if it can reach a wider user population when doing building design and codes and inventing devices etc. For example many Screen confessionals are not only not accessible to those with hearing loss, but also to those with wheelchairs UNLESS the room and door or curtain is wide enough to allow the wheelchair to come inside. Otherwise many people with 'disabilities' are forced to only be able to do face to face, when in fact everyone should have the right to exercise the privacy and anonymity of the screen granted to able bodies and hearing people, and according to Canon Law. If designs are planned and thought out in advance using a Universal Design concept it can reach a wider user population and that is always a plus for the Church.
Ubi Duo Face to Face Communicator:
“My focus was to make it available to all penitents, to
make available the great mercy and love of God,” Father
De la Rosa said, recalling a man in a wheelchair who
fortunately was willing to make a face-to-face
confession because there was no way for him to receive
the sacrament privately. " - (Source:
make available the great mercy and love of God,” Father
De la Rosa said, recalling a man in a wheelchair who
fortunately was willing to make a face-to-face
confession because there was no way for him to receive
the sacrament privately. " - (Source:
Screens for those with Hearing Loss:
Many people with hearing loss can not use the Screen at Confessionals:
"Everyone has a Canonical right to have a screen, no one has a right to a 'face to face' confession." (Source:
"Now someone might argue that the penitent has the right to go to confession face-to-face. In fact, that is not the case. Canon law stipulates that the penitent has the right to a fixed grille - and an authoritative interpretation also stipulates that the confessor may insist on there being a fixed grille." (Source:
"Canon law requires that the confessional be inside the church, visible, accessible to every possible penitent, and open for private and face-to-face confession, Father De la Rosa said. He has posted the canon law requirements, and the U.S. bishops’ directive on the sacrament with the construction plans in the church lobby." ( Source:
"They wanted the anonymity that comes
behind the
grill.” (Source:
behind the
grill.” (Source:
Confession Behind the Screen:
"When looking at face to face vs. behind the screen, we have to look not at preferences and what makes us feel good, but what facilitates a more thorough confession and hence a firmer reconciliation to God with the reception of more grace." (Source:
The downside of face to face confessionals
versus the screen:
"Which way do you prefer to go to confession?
- behind a screen or grate (88%, 1,924 Votes)
- face to face (12%, 264 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,188"
"The importance for people with any
disability to interact
in a standard setting rather than do it
differently is
having 'effective' communication access
to the Mass but also the confessional
for the deaf and hard of hearing.
It is discouraging the sacrament of
to the deaf and
hard of hearing when anonymity, privacy
spontaneity just do not exist.
spontaneity just do not exist.
Can the deaf and hard of hearing use the Catholic
Confessional Screen?
Do they have a Canonical
right to a screen? How could they use one?
A screen with an Ubi Duo
keyboard would be nice to have (or the St. Damien
confessional box). Canon law grants hearing people
the right to a screen at the Catholic confessional.
Volume and Privacy
at the
Confessionals and the deaf and
hard of hearing:
Do the deaf and hard of hearing have any
privacy at the confessionals?
Ubi Duo Keyboard could be used with a
screen in between at the confessional for
Catholic Confession and Canon Law:
"If people need to go to confession and they have to make an appointment to do so,
most will not go, especially if they have to go “face-to-face”.
most will not go, especially if they have to go “face-to-face”.
Having to make an appointment: Special Arrangements:
According the Hearing Health Foundation 20 percent of the population have hearing loss significant enough to impact communication. There is often lack of privacy and volume control concerns in the confessional area or the church might have screens only and no face to face. Often people with hearing loss have to go out of their way to make arrangements for a confessional instead of just popping in during Church confessional times.
Priests themselves can be distracting face to face, especially if you are a real body language reader looking at lips, facial and body language all the time. Most people who are deaf or have had a hearing loss for most or all their lives are rather adept at body language, more so then hearing people who are often not even aware of what they project or communicating via body language, and its distracting at confessionals. I rather just use the screen if I could. When I want to talk to a priest, then I like face to face. If I want to be more connected to God, I rather use the screen if I could have this option like hearing people have because its less distracting and more private. This is just my opinion and feeling of course, but the church does allow one to confess via screens and it would be nice if a person with hearing loss or deafness could have that option too of anonymity, privacy and spontaneity.
Confession in Writing or Typing:
"A deaf {or someone with hearing loss} person can confess in writing or typing in the presence of the priest." (Source:
My comment: As a deaf person I often have to do that (bring laptop) when I can't understand the priest (they speak soft in a confessional booth because the dynamics of a confessional suggests that with both priest/penitent when others are waiting in line or nearby saying prayers etc). So because of that, typing is usually necessary. However, it requires face to face. (at least in my limited experiences I've never seen a 'bank teller' or slit screen that allows the passing back and forth of laptops or iPads etc ). Maybe there are confessionals that do but I've been to quite a number of different ones (on purpose in hopes to find an ideal confession for those with hearing loss and so far I haven't). People with hearing loss often like to be able to use screens too like hearing people (and Canon law allows that for hearing people).
I'm hoping in the future, Diocese/Archdiocese and Parish websites will list churches that have accessible confessions. Many of us like to go beyond the local parish and travel too. Websites are great sources for information about churches. People with hearing loss need to know what Mass or confessional is accessible (and to which type/segment of those with hearing loss -that is what is being offered (Sign Language, Captioning, Audio Loops).
The formality of having to create a 'special arrangement' and the uncomfortable auditory nature and focus that is designed for a hearing person at the confessional deters many with hearing loss from confessions compared to the ease of just popping in on known times with proper communication facilities in place that work for them. It puts you on equal footing with communication access like everyone else as well as confessional option choices (face to face or screen).
Creating access to the Catholic confessional for the deaf and hard of hearing via an Ubi Duo keyboard:
The Ubi Duo:
This Parish uses a Ubi Duo keyboard for the Catholic confessional for the deaf and those with hearing loss, as well as offering special amplified phones for those with mild or moderate hearing losses. See!deaf-accomodations/cq4l and then click on the FILM to view it. It first discusses the Mass but if you wait a little bit, it will go on to discuss the confessional. This is awesome. The website does a nice job explaining the confessional for those with hearing loss. It is one of the best I've seen.
This confessional is so accessible - I'm impressed!
Ubi Duo Keyboard - See:
these expensive accommodations for the disabled.
You have to realize, though, that the lack of these
services is keeping many people away from Christ."
Bluffing in Catholic Confessionals:
Are You a Bluffer?
"For various reasons,
have lagged behind wider
trends in
trends in
society to be inclusive of
with disabilities."
The iPhone at the Confessional for the
deaf and hard of hearing:
priest who is familiar with this…
St Damien Confession Box Demo on You Tube on how it works:
" I think the hardwired connection between two computers, located next to one another and with no possibility of remote access, might make the system acceptable." (Source: Answers)
My comment: I think this has a good chance of approval because the KEY is that the priest and penitent are TOGETHER in time and space (of course there is the screen between them but hearing people get that too and Canon Law grants rights to screens, at least for hearing people).
People with hearing loss and deafness are diverse when it comes to communication access needs. For many - we still can't hear the priest even though we speak and don't know or use sign language. The priest at the confessional tends to speak softer in confessional booths due to privacy concerns with others nearby waiting in line for confession regardless of whether the confessional is face to face, or the screen (usually restricted to those with mild or moderate hearing loss since the rest of us usually need to see the priest's face).
Many people with hearing loss need louder and clearer volume compared to the softer volume at confessionals, and/or combined with seeing the face. This will slow down the process on both ends. Often those with hearing loss need to bring their laptop to the face to face because either the speech reading or volume is not perfect or a particular priest is difficult to speech read or not talking loud or clear enough, or one is not able to speech read/hear him, and needs texting instead.
It is time consuming with all the typing. If they don't have a laptop, they use paper and pen which is even more time consuming. To help you visualize this; the average handwriting is about 28-32 wpm (word per minute) IF one know's what to write in ENGLISH. The average speaker rate is about 150-180 wpm, and the average laptop or texting is about 30-38 wpm. The exchange of the paper/pen or laptop itself creates delays and waiting for the other person to write. The whole thing takes a lot more time then the average two hearing people speaking back and forth at the confessional, assuming there is no language barriers.
"For those uninitiated to the concept, religious confession is most widely practiced in the Catholic Church. This is how it works: there are two side-by-side compartments with seating inside. The penitent goes into one compartment, the priest goes into the other, and they communicate via a screen that connects the two." (Source:
Got a St. Damien Catholic confessional App for that?
For Deaf people who do not speak the spoken language; a real time interpreter goes tech:
How do Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing confess?:
I hope they plan to have at least one church within a Diocese/Archdiocese that those with hearing loss can go to for this type of confessional. According to the links showing a demo of the St. Damien Confessional Box below; it is a Universal Design with instructions in Captioning, Sign Language and Audio (maybe they could add an Audio loop to the booth in addition and use a masked microphone maybe?). Of course they could just read the captioning/text so long as 'low vision' is not an issue (since many with hearing loss may also have low vision, seniors in particular). Is the font size adjustable? Will it be in large text print? Can it be backlighted for those with low vision and color blind issues? I wonder if they can adapt this for the Deaf-Blind allowing it to be use with their refreshable Braille display device or Screen reader so they can read the texting and captioning that way?
Catholic Confessional Screens:
Catholics who are deaf-blind:
"The NCDB citation is to the 2007 annual NCDB count (of children only) in their report The 2007 National Child Count of Children and Youth who are Deaf-Blind. Adding the 2007 figures for children plus Watson's 1993 adult figures gives us roughly 45,000 to 50,000 deaf-blind individuals in the U.S. " (Source: Of course you have to then take 24 percent of that into those figures to determine the number of estimated deaf-blind Catholics (since Catholics make up 24 percent of the USA population). Also take note of the broad spectrum meaning of 'deaf' and 'blind' into consideration when determining what access works for them.
For more information on the St. Damien Confessional Box see below links:
Confession for the deaf (and hearing loss, hard of hearing and many other 'disabilities' that could benefit from this set up) explained on You Tube Video here:
The Hearing Loss (and Speech issues) Catholic confessional box:
"Zantua said the software is hackproof since the device doesn’t allow a third party to connect, and other network connectivity such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are all disabled." (Source:
Computerized confessional for Catholics with hearing loss and speech issues invented:
Making confessions easier for Catholics with hearing loss, deafness (and speech issues):
Sacrament of Penance Q and A:
Sacrament of Penance Explained: (click on CC)
Sacrament 101 Confession: (click on CC)
"Using the keyboard of an ordinary laptop computer specially set up to connect exclusively with one other laptop, the penitent and priest will type and send their messages to each other via the special software running on both computers. The penitent’s laptop is located in the penitent’s side of the confessional, while the priest’s at his side.” (Source:
Audio Induction loop for the confessional (for the mild and moderate hearing loss folks):
Dragon Naturally Speaking as a Confessional Aid for those with Hearing Loss? :
Dragon Naturally Speaking speech to text software being used in one on one settings for those with hearing loss: For details see:
“By using speech recognition software with our patients it's almost the same effect for them as watching closed-caption text on TV, where they watch our faces and also have words appear on the screen,” said Dickinson. (Source:
Here is Dragon Naturally Speaking software: see and high quality microphone with noise cancellation feature such as
Dragon Naturally speaking demo here: )
Got a Confessional Tip for those with Hearing Loss and Deafness?:
Confession Tips: ( of course those with hearing loss and deafness can't use Tip #3 because we have to either see the priests face or pass back and forth laptops or iPads via face to face because it won't fit through the grill holes of the screen). A lot of screens don't even have grill holes large enough to even slip paper and pen back and forth.
Our family has a habit of going to many churches to explore confessionals and Masses to find out which one might be accessible. It is disappointing showing up at a confessional and finding out it is not accessible, which naturally means not going at that moment with my family, waiting for them but not able to go myself (and having to later make an appointment and go by myself w/o my family and having no options either other then face to face).
Our family has a habit of going to many churches to explore confessionals and Masses to find out which one might be accessible. It is disappointing showing up at a confessional and finding out it is not accessible, which naturally means not going at that moment with my family, waiting for them but not able to go myself (and having to later make an appointment and go by myself w/o my family and having no options either other then face to face).
iPads and iPhones etc are something many people ALREADY carry around and there are 'note pad' apps that one could use to type notes back and forth at confessionals. You would not be using it wireless like SMS or emails. Rather you use the note pad app on it and pass that back and forth. You don't press 'send' on anything. It's private. Just delete it when done. You are not connecting to the internet or phone lines for this purpose. You are using it with the person present as a communication device. Although it would be nice if they had a slit in the screen and you pass it back and forth if you wanted the benefit of using a screen.
Refreshable Braille Display use with
Note Pad apps for iPhone or iPad:
iPads can be used with a 'notebook' app to write notes back and forth besides laptops. You'd have to bring your own and then delete it before you leave. I wish they would come up with 'bank teller' screens that have slits at the bottom of the screen that allow this passing back and forth. Currently the only option I know of and have seen is face to face to pass back and forth. It is always nice to be able to have the two options granted hearing people for Confessionals, that being the screen or face to face. It wouldn't take much for them to create a Universal Design for the confessional to make it more accessible. They could easily figure out a way to make a 'bank teller' screen to allow exchanging iPads, etc.
Catholic Confessional App for those with
Hearing Loss:
Hearing Loss:
See : If you take a look at the App, I wonder if you can just hand the priest this for someone with a speech disorder or hearing loss/deafness?
You want a feature that allows the priest to respond to each sin if needed like when you pass it to him for him to read, he can click a response button if needed and then respond by typing in a response box. You want a button that comes up with the Act of Contrition in the end so the penitent doesn't have to waste time typing it and then read it silently (or aloud if can/comfortable).
You want a button that the priest can press like the Absolution prayer that he can give to the penitent so that they know he is saying it. Any other suggestions? Apparently this App mets with approval so long as priest and penitent are 'in person'.
Catholic Confessional App allows priests to RESPOND or RETURN the dialogue? :
Making an App for those with hearing loss and deafness for the Confessional:
Making a good confession guideline can provide guidelines for creating an App for those with hearing loss, deafness and speech issues. Instead of having to type certain aspect of the confession that are script, they could merely press the button during the exchange that shows it already typed. The only part that needs customizing is the dialogue, the list of sins and priest responses: See This of course is implying that the penitent and the priest are together and not distance confessions. The priest absolution prayer should be on the App too so he can just press that button instead of having to type that. As he presses the button, gives to the penitent to read, he can then say it verbally, making it all valid. A Spanish App version could also be created for Hispanics with hearing loss and deafness.
Any one up to creating a customized Catholic Confessional App DESIGNED for those with hearing loss and deafness (and the deaf-blind too! -aka -make it compatible with their screen reader so they can plug that in)
Fr. Barron comment on the
Confessional App:
If you need CC (closed captioning) use this link instead:
Apps for the Deaf/deaf and hard of hearing:
Interpretype Versus Ubi Duo Technology
for the Deaf/deaf and hard of hearing:
Apps for Low Vision, Deaf/deaf, Deaf-
Say Hello to Google Glass!
You want a feature that allows the priest to respond to each sin if needed like when you pass it to him for him to read, he can click a response button if needed and then respond by typing in a response box. You want a button that comes up with the Act of Contrition in the end so the penitent doesn't have to waste time typing it and then read it silently (or aloud if can/comfortable).
You want a button that the priest can press like the Absolution prayer that he can give to the penitent so that they know he is saying it. Any other suggestions? Apparently this App mets with approval so long as priest and penitent are 'in person'.
Bishop approves Confessional App for Catholics:
"In all seriousness, I think this app may be a boon for the sacrament. " (Source:
"Designed for use in confession preparation, and later in the confessional itself, the
application offers an examination of conscience, step-by-step guide to the sacrament,
act of contrition and other prayers." (Source:
application offers an examination of conscience, step-by-step guide to the sacrament,
act of contrition and other prayers." (Source:
Catholic Confessional App allows priests to RESPOND or RETURN the dialogue? :
Here is a Confessional App that appears it could be used back and forth between priest and penitent (in the presence of a priest for absolution)
Making an App for those with hearing loss and deafness for the Confessional:
Making a good confession guideline can provide guidelines for creating an App for those with hearing loss, deafness and speech issues. Instead of having to type certain aspect of the confession that are script, they could merely press the button during the exchange that shows it already typed. The only part that needs customizing is the dialogue, the list of sins and priest responses: See This of course is implying that the penitent and the priest are together and not distance confessions. The priest absolution prayer should be on the App too so he can just press that button instead of having to type that. As he presses the button, gives to the penitent to read, he can then say it verbally, making it all valid. A Spanish App version could also be created for Hispanics with hearing loss and deafness.
Any one up to creating a customized Catholic Confessional App DESIGNED for those with hearing loss and deafness (and the deaf-blind too! -aka -make it compatible with their screen reader so they can plug that in)
Here are some more Catholic Confessional
Mea Culpa App:
Laudate App:
Fr. Barron comment on the
Confessional App:
If you need CC (closed captioning) use this link instead:
Apps for the Deaf/deaf and hard of hearing:
App for the Blind and low vision (I put this here because many of those with hearing loss also have low vision issues):
"O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest all my sins because of your just punishment, but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin." (Source:
Interpretype Machine : See
Deaf-Blind Communication System:
Deaf-Blind Face to Face communication:
Interpretype Versus Ubi Duo Technology
for the Deaf/deaf and hard of hearing:
Apps for Low Vision, Deaf/deaf, Deaf-
Technology for the Blind:
Screen readers for the Blind:
Free Screen readers for the Blind:
Deaf-Blind Technology:
More Deaf-Blind Technology:
The Deaf-Blind Glove:
Pope Francis and Confession:,10874?content_source=&category_id=112&search_filter=&search_headline=&event_mode=&event_ts_from=&list_type=&order_by=&order_sort=&content_class=&sub_type=stories&town_id=
How to Go to Priest:
Wanna Confess your Sins? There's an App for that:
Catholic Answers on Confession:
What is Universal Design? See
Text to Sign Language Technology (also Speech /Text to Computer Generated Voice:
Sign Language to Speech or Text: and
Sign Language to Speech:
Catholic Answers on Confession:
Text to Sign Language Technology (also Speech /Text to Computer Generated Voice:
_______________________________________________________________ |
Sign Language to Speech or Text: and
Sign Language to Speech:
Electronic Sign Language Translators:
Hand held translator of languages:
Speech to text hand held devices:
Text to Speech:
Technology and the Deaf-Blind:
Hand held translator of languages:
Speech to text hand held devices:
Text to Speech:
Technology and the Deaf-Blind:
UpSense Brings Braille-Like Typing to Touch screens:
Type talk App:
Ready for This? Google Glasses
"… Google Glass could actually enable live subtitling of real-time conversations, allowing deaf people to have a near fluid conversation while maintaining eye contact."
Type talk App:
Ready for This? Google Glasses
"… Google Glass could actually enable live subtitling of real-time conversations, allowing deaf people to have a near fluid conversation while maintaining eye contact."
Capacity for built in speech to text software?!
Real-time captioning on Google Glass:
Catholic Apps for Google Glass:
Live Real Time Captioning On:
Google Glass has potential to be a Universal Design with many Apps including multi languages, captioning, sign language and many other App possibilities for varying 'disabilities' or needs :
Getting started with Google Glass! : See:
Getting started with Google Glass! : See:
The Joy of Confession:
“The exhortation that the Lord speaks to us through the prophet Joel is loud and clear: ‘Return to me with all your heart’ (Joel 2:12). Why must we return to God? Because something is wrong in us, in society, in the Church-- and we need to change, to turn things around, to repent!” (Source:
Catholic Confessionals at World Youth Day: See
"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi
Divine Mercy:
Divine Mercy goes High Tech:
The Divine Mercy Novena:
Caption Catholic Tidbits:
More on - Are Catholics Christians?:
Lighthouse Catholic Media Bible App:
Are Catholics Christians?:
Society of The Little Flower:
Come Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth yourSpirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that
by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations,
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
![]() |
Pray For Us All! |
Come Pray the Rosary with others - together Online:
(text guided version offered to follow along)
"Accessible meeting space allowseveryone to participate."
______________________________________________________________"Of all the barriers to full participation and inclusion, the barrier of unexamined attitudes is the most difficult to address," states Ginny Thornburgh, director of the American Association of People with Disabilities' Interfaith Initiative."(Source: purpose of this blog is to raise Diversity Awareness among those with hearing loss and deafness, and to raise awareness that many with hearing loss are being excluded from full participation at the Mass if the church does not have Captioning. Catholics with hearing loss deserve the fullness of their faith. Does your Diocese/Archdiocese have at least one Mass service in Captioning at a church that one who benefits from it can reasonably travel to in order to fully and actively participate at the Mass? Contact your Diocese/Archdiocese - find it here:
US Bishop Statement:
'It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be completely accessible to people with disabilities, since these forms are the essence of the spiritual tie that binds the Christian community together'
Is your church or Diocese/Archdiocese inclusive to all those with hearing loss and deafness by providing Real time Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops? If not - Diversity and Inclusion Awareness is needed in order to share the joy of the gospel by applying Universal Communication Access. It is very important to share the Word of God with everyone. Let's pray for that!Prayer of Inclusion:
"Be not Afraid, Open Wide the Gates" - Pope St. John Paul II
CC-Caption Catholic