Saturday, January 9, 2016

                                   Are They Already Gone ?

                              "Catholics with disabilities are much

                              more likely to be inactive Catholics

                         than their non-disabled counterparts."



"We depend on captions for television, movies, relay phone calls, live theater and meetings, etc. However, captions are lacking at churches and synagogues. As a result we no longer attend. We feel excluded from the spiritual communities." (Source:


"An obvious benefit of closed captioning 

is to allow everyone to have an equal 

opportunity to participate in and enjoy the 

benefits of a service, program or activity." 


Captioning the Word:  See

"How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?"
(Romans 10:14)

"Accessible meeting space allows 
everyone to participate." 
This Catholic church has real time captioning (CART) for the deaf and hard of hearing. It is like what you see on TV (CC):
"St. Theresa Catholic Church in Ashburn, VA:  HOMILY REAL-TIME TRANSLATION SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE VIA iPAD – Are you not hearing the Sunday mass homily as well as you’d like?  Especially for the hearing impaired and deaf but open to all, you now have an amazing option to receive the Sunday mass homily, prayers of the faithful, and announcements via real-time translation (CART service) directly to your iPAD during mass!  St. Theresa parishioner and professional court reporter Donna L. Linton has volunteered to provide the service (just like closed captioning on your television).  Please contact Donna at for information on mass times and how to join in. " 
 Welcome !    See

Reaching Catholics in your Community:  

How do you make it Inclusive to all those who are deaf and hard of hearing?

"However, in order to serve ALL deaf, hard of hearing, 
the hearing impaired or people with hearing loss 
(whichever terms you choose), all of these accessible 
solutions need to be provided, and the Deaf and 
hearing impaired should always be placed down front 
where they can use their eyes to see to hear and the 
audio amplifiers to be picked up by their assistive 
devices. Captions should be on the wall or a screen for
 those who need to read what is being said." 

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