Monday, April 4, 2016

                              Listening in Real -Time
                      at the Catholic Mass

“Listening can be the most active form of participation, demanding effort and attention. Truly, as the scriptures tell us, faith demands hearing, fides ex auditu. “

 (Source: Msgr. Richard Schuler http

"What does it mean for communication to be “effective”? Simply put, “effective communication” means that whatever is written or spoken must be as clear and understandable to people with disabilities as it is for people who do not have disabilities."

"Accessible meeting space allows

 everyone to participate." 

“Just as with wheelchair access issues, 

advocacy is paramount,” Kasper wrote. 

“Staying at home to avoid problems or 

pretending to understand when we don’t 

will not help us or future generations, and

 joining with others in a cause can be 

"The importance for people with any 

disability to interact 

in a standard setting rather than do it 

differently is 


"You get the jokes, the satire, the innuendo. You have full access. You are an equal participant. That’s CART Captioning. That’s Communication Access Realtime Translation.”

     Captioning Shares the Message

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