The Kennedy Center is Accessible.
Kennedy Center in DC area uses captioning (and sign language and assistive listening devices).
The Kennedy Center recognizes the diversity within the deaf and hard of hearing population.
Not everyone uses assistive listening devices. Not everyone uses CART/captioning. Not everyone uses sign language. They provide CART/captioning, ASL and ALD's for the diverse deaf and
hard of hearing population because of this.
The Kennedy Center also advertises this accessibility on their website. It is inclusive.
Is Your Church accessible too and inclusive to all the deaf and hard of hearing? Do you let
them know its available on Diocese and Church websites like the Kennedy Center does?
Do you let them know what is available? Do you let them know they can request it? How will they know what is available if it is not listed on websites, newsletter, or a bulletin or something? How will they know they can ask for it?
My suggestion is to encourage inclusion (and evangelization) by putting on websites and bulletins and newsletters that they can request these communication accommodations that will break the sound barriers. Otherwise they may not know what is available and what they can ask for, or that they can even ask.
The secular world is increasingly accessible and inclusive for the deaf and hard of hearing and they will let them know it is accessible as well by stating it on their websites and newsletters etc. Shouldn't the churches be accessible and inclusive too and indicate that it is accessible?
The Kennedy Center recognizes the diversity within the deaf and hard of hearing population.
Not everyone uses assistive listening devices. Not everyone uses CART/captioning. Not everyone uses sign language. They provide CART/captioning, ASL and ALD's for the diverse deaf and
hard of hearing population because of this.
The Kennedy Center also advertises this accessibility on their website. It is inclusive.
Is Your Church accessible too and inclusive to all the deaf and hard of hearing? Do you let
them know its available on Diocese and Church websites like the Kennedy Center does?
Do you let them know what is available? Do you let them know they can request it? How will they know what is available if it is not listed on websites, newsletter, or a bulletin or something? How will they know they can ask for it?
My suggestion is to encourage inclusion (and evangelization) by putting on websites and bulletins and newsletters that they can request these communication accommodations that will break the sound barriers. Otherwise they may not know what is available and what they can ask for, or that they can even ask.
The secular world is increasingly accessible and inclusive for the deaf and hard of hearing and they will let them know it is accessible as well by stating it on their websites and newsletters etc. Shouldn't the churches be accessible and inclusive too and indicate that it is accessible?
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