Saturday, July 19, 2014

Catholics with Hearing Loss: Captioning the Catholic Mass

                Catholic Media, Technology and Catholics with  

                                                  Hearing Loss 

"Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." 
                                                                                         -Pope St. John Paul II

FCC laws, captioning, exemption and church :

What about deaf and hard of hearing Catholics?  

To not provide captioning for those with hearing loss, while not intentional exclusion,  basically has the affect that those with hearing loss are exempt from evangelization in 21st century in which media, internet and technology is the way of evangelization to reach a modern people with the Gospel if they don't have access to it.  

The 12 million Catholics in the  USA with a hearing loss need access to evangelization.  The 48 million Americans with a hearing loss need access to Catholicism.   This is expected to double by 2030 according to several sources. There are many other 'disabilities' that also benefit from captioning.  Did you know that only 4 to 10 percent of those with any type of hearing loss attend church?  If DVD's and media also don't have access as well, do you realize they are cut off from God's Word via media if there is no CC on them  (not to mention that many churches are also not accessible to them as well if there are no real time captioning Mass services available to them (or whatever works for them like sign language and audio loops besides captioning).  

Do Parishes and Dioceses/Archdiocese make sure the video's and films are accessible by having subtitles or captioning on them?   All Catholic films should have subtitles or closed captioning on them if they want to reach these people.  Media needs to be accessible.

" Nevertheless, we see Closed Captioning and subtitles everywhere these days: YouTube (while their automatic captioning leaves a lot to be desired) supports captioning, TED Talks, Hulu, Netflix, and news outlets to name  a few." (Source:  

The use of media and internet use is GROWING among ALL people and part of 21st century life.  If the preplanning stages for such programs consider a Universal Design (captioning for example) right from the beginning, it is an invitation for all to the Lord's table.  People might say it is too expensive but I don't think they should spread God's word on TV and Internet business if they can't figure out how to 'cut the roof'  to let the disabled 'in'  considering that 1 in 5  Americans have a hearing loss (and other 'disabilities').   It would only  marginalize these people.   With God, all things are possible.  

Churches have jumped on the ship with 21st century technology with Wifi and/or internet source on many church campuses, their schools, offices etc.  Computers, iPads, and modern cell phones are widely available in churches.   You can email churches for example and most have websites.  Many of their schools use Wifi or internet for education.  They need to realize that those with various 'disabilities' are also in 21st century and not 17th century which means increasingly accessible global and personal communication access for all.  Universal design approaches are increasingly being adopted in the secular world to address ADA laws and provide access to all. With 20 percent of the population with significant hearing loss to impact communication according to Hearing Health Foundation, it has become increasingly the norm in secular society to include these people with captioning.

However, it is good that they have CC on TV's for  most religious programs now (although not all)  if not the internet (yet) and SOME of the DVD's and films have captioning.   Churches need to make sure all the sheep are included.  All RE, RCIA, Rosary and Bible groups and Virtus training should have their films, DVD's and media in captioning.  If they want to show people a film from the internet or You Tube, they
need to make sure it is accessible to those with hearing loss by making sure it has CC on them.  That way, it includes all the sheep.


"…Did you know that captions can be inserted into a webcast so that a person who is deaf or hard of hearing can follow every word in real-time? " (Source:

" No captions is like no ramp for people in wheelchairs or signs stating ‘people with disabilities are not welcome."  

This applies just as well to real time captioning in churches as well, only the church is ADA exempt.  The ADA law does not apply to churches.  The church and any kind of worship place of any faith is allowed to discriminate and not provide real time captioning for church services.  90 percent of the those with hearing loss do not attend church because the church is not accessible to them.  Wouldn't it be nice to provide real time captioning to our brothers and sisters in Christ in order to share the Joy of the Gospel?  Maybe the 90 percent of the missing brothers and sisters might return to the church if it is accessible to them, thereby opening the doors and welcoming them to share and experience the fullness of their faith.

There is NO CC (closed captioning) on the Catholics Come Home video's 'Real People, Real Stories'.   That means empty words for 48 million Americans with hearing loss or deafness.

 These people may want to come home to the church too, but to an accessible one.  On top of that, 90+ percentage of people with ANY form of hearing loss and deafness do not attend church because it is not hearing accessible (and Universally accessible, that being Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Induction loops because the deaf population is diverse).  Many video's, especially  online are not in CC.  The world is increasingly using the internet for networking, resources and learning about religion.  How will the Catholic church connect to these people if they can't hear the church to get connected?  That's 1 in 5 Americans by the way.   Real People, Real stories that you can't hear or understand.   Those stories might be really good (and I bet they are) but without CC those with hearing loss and deafness do not have access to it.   If you put CC on them, not only will you have potential to reach 20 percent of the people with hearing loss, but also those of another language other then English because they can use the auto translate using the captioning.  See  Maybe they will come home again too if the doors can be opened for them by providing Universal access for a Universal church.   The Catholics Come  Home commercials though ARE IN CLOSED CAPTIONED.  

"Catholics Come commercials run on all major networks in English, Spanish, Polish and Portuguese, and are also closed captioned for the hearing impaired."   (Source:
Click on this link here,  then click on the video commercial,  and then click on CC to get the closed captioning. 

You can come home –nice captions  on this video :

No CC on The Journey Home video's either (as well as the TV show on EWTN 'The Journey Home').  That means 20 percent of American's are left out.  See


"Churches, you might say, can't afford to build all 

these expensive accommodations for the disabled. 

You have to realize, though, that the lack of these 

services is keeping many people away from Christ." (Source: -M. LYNN BOOKER)


The increasing demands of real time captioning

 and broadcast captioning is driven by two



More FCC and closed captioning news:




"For various reasons, 


have lagged behind wider 

trends in

 society to be inclusive of 


with disabilities." 


“Every baptised person, by virtue of baptism itself, has the right to receive from the Church a teaching and formation which permits them to attain a true Christian life”.(CT 14).


"It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring him to everyone!" - Pope St. John Paul II


Ten Best Movies about Saints (in Subtitles)


Other Catholic DVD's: If you know of other Catholic DVD's that ARE in subtitles or captioned, PLEASE let us know via responding to the comment box of this blog, and provide us a link as to where to obtain them.  I would REALLY appreciate that as would many others!



'What About Me?': See Foundation)



Who is Me? 

'Me' is 20 percent of the American population that has a hearing loss great enough to effect communication issues (Hearing Health Foundation).  Or in other words, 1 out of 5 Americans, even more after age 65 (1 in 3).  'What about Me' is REALLY about 20 percent of the population.  'Me' is 12 million Catholics with
hearing loss and deafness. 'Me' will double by 
the year 2030 due to aging baby boomers'Me' is
growing. 'Me' might become You.  


This Catholic TV Mass is closed captioned!See:



Many parishes are offering adult bible study programs 

from Great Adventure at  The Great Adventure Bible Study is NOT subtitled or captioned.  Please write to the company to encourage them to provide subtitles/captioned to the 12 million Catholics who have a hearing loss in the USA. I did write to them but there is power in numbers in trying to create awareness of the needs of 12 million Catholics with hearing loss in the USA who do not have access to this program by having lots of people write to them.  Many churches are offering this Bible study.  Hearing people comment on how wonderful this program is but I can't say the same (and many others with hearing loss if they need the CC).  We don't have access to it.  

Accessibility:  It is hard enough not to have a Mass in Captioning let alone not have Bible studies using DVDs that are not in subtitle or captioning. It cuts those with hearing loss off in church life, not to mention not being able to enjoy the spiritual benefits like the rest of the flock gets when they listen to homilies and participate in bible studies and prayer groups in Catholic parishes.  Captioning provides access to God's word and spreads the gospel joyfully to all.  20% of the US population aged 12 years and older has hearing difficulties severe enough to impact communication according the Hearing Health Foundation. (source; which means they are not able to fully participate if the church is not hearing accessible.  

Catholics with hearing loss are the lost sheep in the midst.  So, if you feel moved, please click on the website link above on the Great Adventure Bible Study and contact them.  They DO have the Quick Journey through the Bible in subtitles/captions but not all churches are using that. Most Catholic churches are using the more intensive/longer series for more depth in bible studies/faith life. Keep in touch with this though because once they do provide CC or subtitles on their DVD's, I've heard its an awesome high quality Bible study program.   I'm looking forward to when it will be in CC.    The Quick Journey version with subtitles is at

If they do put CC on it, I believe their market will increase because we are 20 percent of the population, plus captioning benefits many others and not just those with hearing loss.

Jeff Cavins of Great American Bible Adventures:  Introductions to the Parts of the Mass:
See (Click on CC for Captioning)


See this You Tube video on the Liturgy (powerpoint words)


Vision Video/DVD Catholic store: (WARNING:  make sure you verify if it has CC or subtitles on a given DVD BEFORE you order! Some have CC and some don't!)


WJMJ TV Mass is CC! :  See WJMJ website at :


"The televised Diocese of Lansing Outreach Mass is now closed captioned for the deaf/hard of hearing populations.  The Outreach Mass airs each Sunday at 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. on WLAJ Lansing TV3 and at 10 a.m. on WSMH Flint Channel 66." - See more at:


"How often do we fail to realize that we are called to be 

Christ's witnesses to the world? How often do we reach 

out to our missing brothers and sisters by inviting them 

to join us at Mass or by asking why they no longer feel 

welcomed at Church? " 


"You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world, no one lights a lamp and puts it under a 

basket, they put it high for everyone to see!" (Matthew 5:13-16).  


Closed captioning at churches: A deaf/blind blog:


"The school, whose population comprises an increasing number of students with disabilities--including veterans who are deaf or hard of hearing--already uses remote Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services in the classroom. (Source: -By Bridget McCrea)


Broadcast Captioning:  There are approx. 12 million Catholics  in the USA with a hearing loss.   See: .  

New FCC rules loom for closed captioning: (religious can file for exemption if qualified)

Internet Captioning now the Law of the Land:  (religious-ADA laws –exempt –if qualified)

Closed Captioning for Church online:


                 Global Communication Framework:

Captioning is increasingly becoming a Global Communication Access for All.  Captioning technology is going to continue to improve and advance to the point that we will be able to get captioning in our own language every where in the world,  via internet, Remote CART, Google Glasses, speech to text software, TV shows, DVD's etc.  
Captioning is going to benefit everyone -not just those with hearing loss and deafness .  Even those who use sign language, technology is going to advance so that they will get the same access via text/speech software to sign language (and sign language to text/speech).  Captioning in every language will be the Global Universal Design Communication framework for the World.  One will be able to merely push a button or touch a screen to set it up for their own language as well as for two way translations.  




The future is happening now for increased global communication access framework:  Captioning/Subtitles at TED in TWENTY languages:  


The Internet is going to GROW reaching 

EVERY  Corner of the Earth:

See Outernet:  free internet for the whole world:


Religion on the Internet is GROWING:

In fact, according to the Pew Internet Project, 
more than 82 million Americans (and 64 percent 
of all Internet users) utilize the Web for faith-
related matters. The importance of religion and 
spirituality, coupled with the growing use of the 
Internet for religious matters, point to the 
ongoing need for an online resource for religious 
and spiritual engagement and dialogue." 

                 Captioning is the Global Language!

"YouTube is a global platform that reaches billions of people worldwide, so it’s likely part of your audience may speak a different language than you. Adding closed captions (CC) and subtitles to your videos can help your content appeal to a global audience including viewers with hearing impairments or foreign-language speakers."  

"Over 60% of YouTube's audience are foreign language speakers and hearing-impaired viewers. Reach them with captions and subtitles."


USCCB Daily Reflection Video's are NOT in CC: 

The Daily Reflection Video's from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops  does NOT have CC on them.   It would be nice to include those with hearing loss (20 percent of the population has a hearing loss  or 1 in 5 Americans and approx. 12 millions Catholics with a hearing loss) See :  This is important to have access to, especially since some of us do not have access to the Homily during Mass, or Bible studies, and many other media and DVD's and films are not captioned.  They could benefit from these reflections.   Those with hearing loss and deafness are also using the internet for religious access like everyone else is in 21st century.  Hearing loss is GROWING too and will double by 2030.  The  internet is GROWING as well.  Please don't leave Catholics with Hearing Loss out and encourage CC on Media, internet, DVD's and live streaming.  Please raise awareness that those with hearing loss are being left out if there is no CC (closed captioning).  The Video's look really interesting but I can't understand what they are saying because there is no CC.  It is not accessible to 20 
percent of the Catholics who are deaf and hard of hearing.


Your Video's can reach the World:

There are many benefits for providing captioning on video's besides providing communication access to one fifth of Americans who are hearing impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing. Captioning is the language of many people who are deaf and hard of hearing, but it can reach other languages too with auto translate.  

"The real benefit to creating an accurate caption is that 

people can use auto translate to understand your video in 

many different languages. This gives you a much wider 

audience. I try to create English captions for all of my

 successful videos." 


How to maximize your viewership:  


"From a universal design perspective, then, captions can potentially benefit all of us as we move through an increasingly noisy, increasingly less private, increasingly mobile world. "(Source:


"Consider this. One recent study, led by Discovery Digital Networks, found that adding closed captions to a YouTube video led to a 13.48% increase in views in the following 14 days."


"With digital media taking an increased role in our daily lives, it is important that the Church continues using these new mediums as a way to connect with people. This collection makes many communications projects possible and breathes new life into our evangelization efforts,” said Bishop Joseph J. Tyson of Yakima, Washington, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) CCC subcommittee. "  (Source and see more at"


Those with hearing loss and deafness need captioning to connect to the message.  Communicating the message is important.

"It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring him to everyone!" - Pope St. John Paul II


Catholic Answers Video's on the internet are not in closed captioning.  If you feel moved - Please contact them as well (upper right hand of website has contact information under 'about' ) and ask them to provide captioning because 1 in 5  Americans have a hearing loss.  How will they ANSWER to 1 in 5 Americans on the video's? Thank you. See  However,  their website is quite good and has a lot of useful information on Catholicism and Q and A's. If you are someone with a hearing loss or deaf, and don't have access to the Homily, its useful for 'self teaching' about your faith to obtain information on the internet whether in writing or in captioning and Catholic Answers website is a very good source to help with your Q and A's.  

Catholic Answers You tube:

Catholic Answers Magazine:

Catholic Answers' online bookstore

Catholic Answers on You Tube has captioning (CC):

Internet Broadcasting Live Streaming: Catholic TV live streaming of their Mass and shows are not CC on the internet. So far EWTN internet live streaming is also not CC (no captioning). Certainly one can watch it on TV, and I'm so glad it is available that way as it makes a huge difference, but the 21st century world is moving towards mobility and the internet retrieving this access more and more via computers, iPhones, iPads, laptops 'on the go' so hopefully it will be CC in the near future.  The younger generation especially is gravitating towards computers, internets, mobile devices over TV's.  The church will need to move in that direction in order to reach a wider net to the gospel.  By considering Universal Design in the original 21st century technology plans, all people will have access to the Gospel.  21st century internet is global communication. That's the communication framework of the future.  Language translation software is increasingly being used tapping an even wider audience and with its improvement will expand to live streaming and not limited to DVD's and video's on the internet.


 "Wish the shows were closed caption. Make it a lot easier to understand what is being said by those of us with Hearing loss and Deaf." (Source: B Clark)  


"So much is captioned in the "outside" world today. If we want 

to be seen as an inclusive church, then we can't be less inclusive

 than the surrounding culture." 

(Source:'02.html -CATHERINE MARTENSEN)


"Captioning affects a large part of the US population – whether the deaf, hard of hearing, or those learning English. Within the subset represented by a church’s congregation, traditionally a sizeable number of people are older, and may appreciate the effort shown by the church to caption. Others may wonder why a program is not captioned – why they are excluded from understanding."  (Source:


Divine Mercy goes High Tech:

The Divine Mercy Novena:  



Open Up The Doors of the Church:

"Both television and Internet programming can reach people who are too far away to attend 

your church, or who live in remote areas where there isn’t an accessible church. In this 

situation, technology opens up doors not only for the hearing-impaired, but for speakers of 

other languages."

(Source: -Closed Captioning Net).  


 "Young people are still watching the same shows, but they are streaming them on computers and phones to a greater degree than their parents or grandparents do. "


New Media and the Church:

Witnessing to Catholics:


Integrating Technology in the 


"John Paul II wrote: "the Church is 

not only called upon to use the mass 

media to spread the Gospel but, today 

more than ever, to integrate the 

message of salvation into the "new 

culture" that these powerful means 

of communication create and 

amplify."  (source: -Karen A. Walker)


        Captioning Shares the Message


"The faithful are called to spread the

 word, and captioning makes that more


Captioning is the language of many who are

 deaf and hard of hearing



Karaoke Style Prayers Any one?:

Wouldn't this be great for Catholic prayers?! That is to have prayers Karaoke style so those with hearing loss could follow along:  See the You tube on this link for demo:


Footprints of God 8 DVD series in closed captioning! (English and Spanish subtitles) at


How to Add Closed Captions and Subtitles to DVD's:


Walt Disney World Captioning:

Hand Held Captioning:

Reflective Captioning:

Video Captioning:


Co-Founder of ALDA blog on Captioning –Caption This!:


Making the Radio accessible via captioning:

Making the Radio accessible to the deaf and those with hearing loss as well as the blind-deaf via voice writing captioning:

Live Radio Captioning goes Nationwide with Latino USA focus:


How do Deaf-Blind people use the computer:


" Persons with disabilities must also be

 considered active participants for the 

realization of the project of salvation 

entrusted by the Lord to the Church. This

 calls for the full inclusion of people with

 disabilities in ecclesial life as 


subjects, and with a personal vocation to


 (C. E. Emilia-Romagna 1981).



The World Over show on EWTN is not in closed captioning when you watch it  on TV.  However, if you go to You Tube, you can find  some recordings of it that have CC on them (but not all do).  Click on CC for captioning once you get to You Tube if you see the CC on the right lower side of the screen.  See  

For someone deaf or hard of hearing, you have to get a little creative with the access and see if you can find some of these shows recorded on You Tube with the CC on them.   I can't find any CC on the show 'The Journey Home' at so of course I don't watch it. It sounds interesting though, especially for a returnee, revert or convert who is deaf and hard of hearing.   

 I can't find any CC on Rome Reports either at  

Fr. Barron's stuff is loaded with CC on You Tube so of course I'm a fan of  his.  See   You can find a lot of stuff from Fr. Barron.  The Catholicism DVD set is CC too and an outstanding documentary.  I recommend it  highly. 


Captioning (CART or Remote CART) 

is a wonderful way to share the Joy of the Gospel that allows full and active participation for so many with hearing loss.  Listening to an authentic Homily directly from the priest himself in interpretative verbatim of our native English language is active real time participationallowing full attention, focus and engagement in the moment of that important part of the Mass, entering into spiritual communion and unity, sharing, reflecting, and connecting to the message during the Liturgy of the Word with the congregation which prepares you for the Sacrament and to better live a Catholic Christian life.  All parts of the liturgy should be fully accessible and in an authentic way to those with hearing loss and deafness.  The priest becomes an effective witness when sharing it.  Captioning is the language of many 
who are deaf and hard of hearing.


How to Share the Gospel with Catholics


“There is still more work to be done to 

increase our sensitivity not only on a 

conference level, but also in the local 

church,” Johnson said. “There are 

thousands of 

people for whom there is no access to 

church. "(Source:  



Lighthouse Media:  Current DVD's are not in closed captioning, they plan to in the near future so check on this regularly BEFORE you buy a DVD (make sure it has CC before you buy):


"This is just the beginning of dealing with our

 responsibility to make sure that individuals

 with special needs are at the front of the

 technology train—not the back," FCC 

Chairman Tom Wheeler said"


Former Roman Catholics:


Station of the Cross Group Prayer (w/ subtitles) :


Does your church have Captioning (Remote CART)? Ask to provide a Mass service in Captioning!

Let us pray that Captioning will be provided for Catholic Masses at Parishes  that will benefit so many Catholics with hearing loss so that they can fully participate and engage in the celebration of the Mass.


What do the deaf and hard of hearing use for 

Communication Access?:

ASL (American Sign Language)  is used by the Culturally Deaf in the USA, CART (real time captioning) or its newer tech version called Remote CART is used by the late deaf, oral deaf and severe to profound hearing loss, ALD's (Assistive Listening Devices) are used by the hard of hearing (mild and moderate hearing loss).  Captioning (CART) can sometimes be used by the culturally Deaf but you need to ask them first.  The Hard of Hearing (mild and moderate) can also use captioning but they usually prefer Audio Loops.  Again, you need to ask them first. Yes, I know I keep saying this through out my blog. We are diverse you see.  We need to break the sound barriers for everyone so they can fully and actively participate and share the Joy of the Gospel to all. 


The deaf and hard of hearing experiences

 in the church:

Lets pray that we break the 

communication barriers for all!


In the works for the NEAR future is Legion Scribe (Captioning by group of non-expert) is also going to drive prices down for CART, Remote CART and Voice Writing (captioning) and make captioning affordable to churches who are typically more on a tighter budget (currently it costs 60-100 dollars for Remote CART captioning per hour with 70 dollars being average for churches (get several bids for lowest) .  Softwares are also rapidly improving so the future is  optimistic. We are going to be seeing Captioning everywhere including all the churches.  See 



Same Language subtitles to help reading:  


"People who learn English as a second language often understand English text better than speech". 



Captioning is a Universal 




The deaf and hard of hearing in other churches advocating for CART (aka real time captioning):  See

A church event in a public place was offering sign language interpreter, spanish interpreter and almost didn't provide real time captioning (CART) which is translating spoken English into verbatim English  in real time like interpretation does that allows the majority of the deaf and hard of hearing to be able to PARTICIPATE like the others!  However, in the end, they were granted CART (real time captioning) that allows the same equal and effective communication access that ADA would support in secular society.


Catholic Shopping:


Lord Hear Our Prayer


Welcome !    See


Pray For Us All!

100,000 Christians are Killed – PER YEAR  ANNUALLY-  because of their Faith Per Vatican:  See


Come Pray the Rosary with others - together Online

(text guided version offered to follow along)


"It's not enough to know Christ, we must bring him to everyone!" - Pope St. John Paul II


How can we make the Catholic church accessible to ALL the deaf and hard of hearing?:  

"Accessible meeting space allows 
everyone to participate." 

"Of all the barriers to full participation and inclusion, the barrier of unexamined attitudes is the most difficult to address," states Ginny Thornburgh, director of the American Association of People with Disabilities' Interfaith Initiative." 
US Bishop Statement:  
'It is essential that all forms of the liturgy be completely accessible to people with disabilities, since these forms are the essence of the spiritual tie that binds the Christian community together' 
The purpose of this blog is to raise  Diversity Awareness among those with hearing loss and deafness, and to raise  awareness that many  with hearing loss are being excluded from full participation at the Mass if the church does not have Captioning. Catholics with hearing loss deserve the fullness of their faith.   Does your Diocese/Archdiocese have at least one Mass service in Captioning at a church that one who benefits from it can reasonably travel to in order to fully and actively participate at the Mass? Contact your Diocese/Archdiocese - find it here:

Is your church or Diocese/Archdiocese  inclusive to all those with hearing loss and deafness by providing Real time Captioning, Sign Language and Audio Loops?   If not - Diversity and Inclusion Awareness is needed in order to share the joy of the gospel by applying Universal Communication Access.  It is very important to share the Word of God with everyone.  Let's pray for that!
Prayer of Inclusion:

"Ensure that the power of salvation may be shared by all" (John Paul II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, n. 16). "(Source:
"Be not Afraid, Open Wide the Gates" - Pope St.  John Paul II   (Source:


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