Monday, February 29, 2016

                Embracing and Celebrating 
                Diversity in the Church

Many churches are pro multi-cultural and pro diversity in welcoming the stranger but consider this, only 50 percent of churches/dioceses even have a disability ministry. 

 Each diocese should have a disability ministry and not just a multi cultural ministry to celebrate diversity (inclusion) in humans in welcoming
the stranger among us. 

 Lets embrace diversity in sharing the Joy of the Gospel to all.  

"Disability has become, then, like a guest invited to a party but 

never introduced” (88).  Olkin (2003) recognizes that disability “received the 

lowest amount of coverage among diversity issues”  (Source:

"The ADA calls us to be aware of and correct what we do that unnecessarily excludes people" (Source:

"All of us are covered by the ADA. This is not about a preference, a personal choice, or the opinion of one over another or over a majority."  (Source:

ADA laws, the Justice Dept and the church (or any religious facility):

Churches are encouraged to comply with ADA to reduce discrimination :

The subtle forms of discrimination in the Church (or sometimes not so subtle):

Diocese Disability Action Team ('The clergy, religious and laity engaged in this program should help the parish by developing policy and translating it into practical strategies for working with individuals with disabilities')  

  1. “If we can start to understand how
     people with disabilities respond
     to the church, then we can see
     how other people who might feel

How do you make it Inclusive to all those who are deaf and hard of hearing?

"However, in order to serve ALL deaf, hard of hearing, 

the hearing impaired or people with hearing loss 

(whichever terms you choose), all of these accessible 

solutions need to be provided, and the Deaf and 

hearing impaired should always be placed down front 

where they can use their eyes to see to hear and the 

audio amplifiers to be picked up by their assistive 

devices. Captions should be on the wall or a screen for

 those who need to read what is being said." 


"What does it mean for communication to be “effective”? Simply put, “effective communication” means that whatever is written or spoken must be as clear and understandable to people with disabilities as it is for people who do not have disabilities."
"Accessible meeting space allows

 everyone to participate." 


          Captioning Shares the Message

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