Friday, March 4, 2016

                  Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids and Seniors

Of the 26.7 million people over age 50 with a hearing impairment, only one in seven, a meager 14 percent, use a hearing aid, said Dr. Frank Lin, assistant professor of otolaryngology and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University.  (Source:

"But for many Americans a major obstacle is cost. A good hearing aid costs $2000 to $6000. There’s no question that they’re out of reach for many people. 
The real scandal about the cost of hearing aids is the lack of insurance coverage for them" (Source:

Audio Induction Loops are great for mild and moderate hearing losses in church: if you have a T coil and wear a hearing aid (or cochlear implant).  They don't work for everyone; especially those with more severe and profound hearing losses, but for the mild/moderate hearing loss folks, it provides them 'effective communication'. For more severe hearing losses, CART (real time live captioning) or Thinkwell often provides effective communication for them.
The late deaf which is the majority of the deaf population can greatly benefit getting
the Mass in real time live captioning.  It is also useful for the mild and moderate hearing 
loss folks who are not wearing hearing aids.

Catholics With Hearing Loss Yahoo Forum Group

If you are Catholic with a hearing loss (mild to profound) and  interested in
discussing with others about how to make the Mass and other parts of church
life more accessible, along with supporting one another spiritually  - Subscribe at

Group Description

Catholics with Hearing loss interested in having the Mass in CC (CART), audio induction loops and other accommodations, along with conferences and workshops and how to support accessibility in the church and one another.

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