Wednesday, May 11, 2016

                        Captioning is the Way to Go!

With one in five Americans having a significant hearing loss
and not everyone can use audio induction loops or sign language, or read lips which makes Captioning a Universal Communication Access design in group settings like
Broadway, theatre, conferences,  and church services like the Catholic  Mass.   More people can use captioning which 
means more access for all.

See this Broadway article on opening captioning at

          Captioning Shares the Message

Catholics With Hearing Loss Yahoo Forum Group

If you are Catholic with a hearing loss (mild to profound) and  interested in
discussing with others about how to make the Mass and other parts of church
life more accessible, along with supporting one another spiritually  - Subscribe at

Group Description

Catholics with Hearing loss interested in having the Mass in CC (CART and Typewell), audio induction loops and other accommodations, along with conferences and workshops and how to support accessibility in the church and one another.

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