Thursday, May 5, 2016

                                                That Man is them too

Men Meeting Jesus:  SEE

That Man is  You:  Becoming a Man after God's Own Heart: 

1 in 5 men have a hearing loss, so if you want to engage them, they need 'effective communication access' that is real time engagement (sign language, CART, audio induction loops). 

60 percent of veterans, many who are men have a hearing loss.  That man is them too.  

Engage them in real time if you want to engage the Man culture.  Other wise they'll be disconnected without 'effective communication' access.

Hearing impairment is more widespread then you think.

"What does it mean for communication to be “effective”? Simply put, “effective communication” means that whatever is written or spoken must be as clear and understandable to people with disabilities as it is for people who do not have disabilities."
"Accessible meeting space allows

 everyone to participate." 

"For the Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

Arrange for seating the Deaf community in the 

front, near the


Arrange for interpreter or real time captioning 

services at 


two weeks in advance.

Utilize room amplification system or personal 




"The importance for people with any 

disability to interact 

in a standard setting rather than do it 

differently is 


"Out of 100 people, 10 have a significant

 hearing problem. Of those 10 people, one

 or two use sign language. The rest do not 

know sign language." 

                                                   Catholic Man Cave

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