Friday, May 6, 2016

      Using iPhone and iPad when  Catholic deaf/hoh: 

 Siri dictation on the iPhone or iPad  is a wonderful technology for communication.

See  for how to use Siri dictation speech to text which can be used at confessionals in Catholic churches.  

You can type to priest, and priest can respond via Siri speech to text and you read what he said.  Just delete the messages when done.  Many of us prefer typing at confessionals even though
we are verbal because its difficult to know how to regulate our voices or what a whisper is, or
if we are talking softly or not.    I have  discovered that some of the confessionals have
sliding windows if you want to pass it back and forth in a fixed grill private section, and of course some churches have open sections, face to face options as well.

You can use  the I messager or SMS for communication via texting if you need to talk with church staff or use emails.  You can use Face Time and Skype on your iPhone as well.

There is also closed caption feature to watch your movies or videos on You Tubes, such as watching Bishop Barron's 'Word on Fire' talks.  Check out some of his talks!

see for one of MANY of his talks.

Just a few of many reasons to own an iPhone or iPad if you are deaf or hard of hearing.
Its a wonderful communication tool.  It can also be used to receive your CART real 
time captioning for private screen viewing.

Catholics With Hearing Loss Yahoo Forum Group

If you are Catholic with a hearing loss (mild to profound) and  interested in
discussing with others about how to make the Mass and other parts of church
life more accessible, along with supporting one another spiritually  - Subscribe at

Group Description

Catholics with Hearing loss interested in having the Mass in CC (CART and Type well), audio induction loops and other accommodations, along with conferences and workshops and how to support accessibility in the church and one another.

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