Tuesday, May 10, 2016

                                      Get Connected to the Catholic Mass

On top of the booming senior population, the majority of the deaf do not know sign language (contrary to myth) and the majority of the deaf are the late deaf.   If Spanish is provided, and American sign language is provided –assuming both is important so people can connect to the Mass, then likewise CART (the English verbatim in REAL TIME for the English speaking deaf and hard of hearing person is equally important to connect in real time interpretation. 

 The ADA laws, the FCC laws and  the 2010 revision of the ADA law of ‘effective communication’ based on the users primary language has changed things so we are living in different times in which secular society has been pressured to comply with the law and so we now have more and more access (and that’s a good thing for us). 

 The church is not using the ADA model because it is exempt from ADA law.   Plus the myth that most of the deaf/hoh use sign language persists and needs to be busted.    To the contrary, the majority of the deaf/hoh are late deaf/hoh and don’t use sign language. CART is ‘effective communication’ for
this diverse group of deaf/hoh population.

Yes, we want to uphold separation of church and state.   But of all things ADA is about creating access, and why would the church not want people to connect to the Mass in their own language be it American sign language, Spanish, Vietnamese or CART (English in verbatim in real time interpretation ). Its all the same stuff. Its about connecting to the Mass.

We are suppose to be one in five  Americans with a hearing loss. That’s a lot of people.  We might not all be there in church though since 90 percent of the hearing impaired don’t attend church due to lack of access.  The ADA law and Catholic Church Canon law actually compliment each other in terms of needing to provide ‘full, conscious and active participation ‘ for Catholics by reason of rights of baptism and duty to participate at the Mass and not be spectators or given ineffective communication access.    

By providing them access to God's word, both ADA law and Catholic Canon law are being 
considered in allowing Catholics with hearing impairment full, equal and effective communication
access like any one else attending the Mass as ADA addresses.  It allows them  access to full, conscious and active participation as Catholic Canon law addresses.

See CART demo at


          Captioning Shares the Message

Catholics With Hearing Loss Yahoo Forum Group

If you are Catholic with a hearing loss (mild to profound) and  interested in
discussing with others about how to make the Mass and other parts of church
life more accessible, along with supporting one another spiritually  - Subscribe at


Group Description

Catholics with Hearing loss interested in having the Mass in CC (CART and Typewell), audio induction loops and other accommodations, along with conferences and workshops and how to support accessibility in the church and one another.

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